Sunday, October 17, 2021

2021 Project 365 – Week Forty-two

I was ruthless, but there are still a ridiculous number of photos this week. Sorry. Not sorry. Sorta sorry? We only go to the beach once a year, so I’m sure you will indulge me…
Sunday, October 10th   
And we’re off!

We got there around 6:00 and confirmed that yes, there is an ocean where we’re staying!

Monday, October 11th     
Monday was moody, which was fine because we had a full slate of baseball games to watch. Ha! In the collage of Dr. M watching the game you can see me on the balcony finishing up the scrappy dishcloth you see here.

Tuesday, October 12th    
Glorious day! We still didn’t leave the condo – who needs to go anywhere with the view that we had?

Wednesday, October 13th    
Dr. M helped me with a photo shoot for that shawl I’ve been working on for three months – finished, washed, and blocked – I love it!

We went out to get pizza for dinner, and then continued our expert level relaxing.

Evening scenes…

Thursday, October 14th     
We finally took a walk on the beach!

Me, working on a crochet project: “I am NOT counting every row! It’s ridiculous.” Also me: “1, 2, 3, 4…78, 79, 80.”


Friday, October 15th   
We said goodbye to the beach today.

Passed a number of cotton fields on the way home. I had just been reading the chapter about reparations in Osheta Moore’s book Dear White Peacemaker and seeing those fields made me feel some kind of way.

Saturday, October 16th  
No photo today (you are welcome). Instead please enjoy this conversation between Dr. M & me:
Dr. M: this pitcher is like a Charleville musket.
Me: what?
Dr. M: he has no idea where the ball is going.
Me: okay
Dr. M: *lectures about trade muskets in the second half of the 18th century, the Brown Bess, Pennsylvania rifle, etc., etc., etc., ugh*
Me: I gotta pee, then call my dad.
Dr. M: but you’ll miss the lecture on French seaborne artillery and the siege of Yorktown!
Me: guess I dodged a bullet…
Me: I crack myself up!
Dr. M: *sniffles, takes a drink, and returns to the game.*
We had a really really good time. Back in the day we would have been running around all over the place, eating almost every meal out, and using the hotel as a place to sleep. I like this vacation model better – we packed our food and barely left the condo. Very relaxing! I’m already looking forward to the next time!


  1. That photo of the pelicans all in a row--fantastic!

    I feel perhaps the same way you do when I see a field of cotton or tobacco. It's a mix of sadness, mournfulness, shame, and regret. It's almost like those crops should be forbidden now because of the history behind them.

    I'm glad you enjoyed your week of leisure and relaxation. Could you hear the sounds of the beach, the waves and the birds and breezes? What a great, stressless time for you both.

    1. Yes! All the sights and sounds and wonderful breezes!

    2. That pelican photo was my favorite too! They're so obliging to fly like that :)

  2. The cotton harvest is going on here now, and the only thing I feel when I see those trucks lined up at the gins or the fields filled with those huge, semi-truck sized bundles of cotton with their pink, yellow, and blue tarps is happiness for the farmers who finally have had a good year. Drought and flooding rains have affected them in recent years, and they've been hanging on. It's good to see them rewarded.

    If we forbid everything that has a mixed past, probably most of us would be required to commit suicide. After all -- haven't we all made mistakes?

    1. I wouldn't normally have reacted to the cotton like that but I had LITERALLY just been reading about the relationship to enslaved people with cotton, and the fact that so many policies implemented (or not implemented) after the Civil War kept freed people perpetually behind. That meant that there were generations of people who didn't even HAVE bootstraps. And those types of policies continue in some of our institutions even today (lending policies, etc.). It just makes me sad.

  3. I love the beach so all those pictures were a welcome sight. and the shawl turned out well.

    1. Thanks! I was very happy with this fourth attempt. Ha!

  4. Beautiful beach pictures. I think I would have stayed out to watch or walk the beach every minute. The shawl turned out nice and certainly looks marvy with the outfit you were wearing.

    1. I need someone to MAKE me go down to the beach. Once I'm there I enjoy it. But I don't like having to wash sand off my feet when we leave. Ha!

  5. Nothing like just relaxing at the beach, hearing those waves hit... smelling that fresh air

  6. There's a lot to be said for a laid-back vacation. The shawl looks great, and I LOVE that fox picture!

    1. I thought about you when I posted the picture! It's certainly a lot healthier than the fox that hangs out around Dr. M's dad's house.

  7. So many wonderful beach pics! The fox is so cute.
    We were surprised, on our recent trip to Wisconsin, to hear that foxes roam the neighborhoods freely, at least two places we visited..


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