Sunday, November 21, 2021

2021 Project 365 – Week Forty-seven

We apparently weren’t really into taking pictures this week. So this should be short & sweet. Except for the days when I have a lot to say.
Sunday, November 14th    
I had an excess of spinach & pomegranates and googled to see if there was a recipe (of course there was). It called for lentils, but I had barley. It was really good!

Monday, November 15th     
No photo.
Tuesday, November 16th
No photo.
Wednesday, November 17th   
My view on my way home from work.

Thursday, November 18th      
I was working this puzzle & was very excited to see this clue – of course I knew the answer since Olga spends so much time there!

Friday, November 19th    
After work I visited with Daddy & Sue & helped with their new puzzle. Then I went to get my Pfizer booster shot!

The moon!

Saturday, November 20th    
Pfizer booster: Day 2. It’s weird how people say that their vaccines kick their butts because that’s the one part of my anatomy that’s not achy, possibly because the antibodies thought it too great a foe to vanquish. (Note: I am a drama queen - I don’t feel that bad. Also, it’s possible that’s not how antibodies work. It’s also possible that it’s not even about antibodies. IDK I work in HR. I’m not a scientist.) Shortly after the second photo (my head was cold!) I figured out I had a fever. I’m a little slow.

Meanwhile, Dr. M was getting his booster! I love his post-booster selfie – ha!

I had another rough night – more fever – but I’m feeling much better this evening. I even started working on some Christmas crochet. This is the first year in a while that I’ve felt like I might not have a mad rush to buy gifts the week before Christmas (but I’d better not get complacent – I still have some more things to get). Are you ready for Christmas?


  1. Christmas? I pay no attention until Thanksgiving has passed and Advent is here. I do know that shipping's going to be an issue this year, so I'd best get cracking with the out-of-town packages.

    I got my Moderna booster on Thursday. Friday and yesterday I was headache-y and a little tired, but the full range of ghastly symptoms I got with #2 never showed up. Today, even the lump in my arm is nearly gone -- onward!

    1. Yeah - I'm not usually so on the ball with Christmas but for some reason I decided what I was going to do & just did it instead of waiting.

      I'm glad you're boosted & that it wasn't that bad for you. It's interesting how random it is - my first two shots didn't bother me at all, but this one was a doozy!

  2. No problem with the Moderna booster except for a very sore arm. My initial vaxx was the J&J, and I had no reaction then, either. Rick got his Moderna booster, his flu shot, and his initial shingles vaccine all at once. Nothing.

    I've done a bit of Christmas shopping, but not much. It feels pushy this year with all the threats about supply and the USPS. Ugh.

    1. I'm glad you didn't have any reactions - and goodness Rick was just going to Get It DONE wasn't he? Reminds me that I need my shingles vaccine.

  3. I felt achy and very tired the day after my booster but by day 2, all was fine. Yep - pretty much ready for xmas.

    1. I still have a couple of things to get. I think I'm going to have to actually go INTO A STORE & look around because I have no idea. Sigh.

  4. A sore arm and a little achy during the night after my booster so I mostly slept through it. Next day was fine. And since I don't do Christmas, I'm always ready. There's only one person I always get a gift for (and I got that over a month ago) and that's only because she insists on giving me one though I've tried to get her to stop.

    1. I have dreams of not having to worry about giving gifts, but the problem is that I like RECEIVING gifts, so I don't think that will ever work out for me. Ha!

  5. I seem to be slowing down on photos also. Sometimes I wonder how I manage to post a weekly photo journal anyway!
    What ws that pomegranate spinach recipe?

  6. I say the same thing I've said for years when people ask if I'm ready for Christmas: I'm ready for it to be over! You may now call me Oscar. But Happy Thanksgiving anyway.

  7. Woo hoo! I'm so glad Olga helped you complete your crossword! LOL! Glad you bounced back after your booster shot. :)


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Seven

Dear America, you are whack in danger. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen. (I might switch this up next week, but so far it still seems...