Saturday, December 18, 2021

2021 Project 365 – Week Fifty-one

Apparently we were too busy to take pictures this week, so this should go pretty quickly. Good news for you!
Sunday, December 12th    
This was a first for me – an accordion at church. It was actually really good!

Monday, December 13th     
No photo.
Tuesday, December 14th
Twilight at the old home place…

Dr. M found our Santa hat – I needed it for later in the week.

Wednesday, December 15th    
Our 31st anniversary!

Dr. M wrapped some presents & we decided that the penguins are psychotic (Madagascar reference – ha!).

Thursday, December 16th
No photo.
Friday, December 17th     
How the Bug Stole Christmas, featuring Olive the Other Reindeer as Max the dog. I didn’t win the ugly sweater contest, but I had fun.

Saturday, December 18th    
While Dr. M took his dad to get his vaccine booster I had brunch – oatmeal, fried eggs, mushrooms, tomatoes, avocado, parm, and some cheddar & pepperjack cheese (leftovers from an office Christmas party). It was REALLY good ya’ll. I think I'm going to eat the exact same thing tomorrow. 

I finished a crochet project today, so we might be ready for Christmas? I do have one more gift to try to find, but the world won’t end if I don’t. How are things looking on your end?


  1. I still can't quite get with the oatmeal/whatever combos. Maybe if I thought about oatmeal as a different sort of rice it would help. Your concoctions would be great with rice!

    Love the accordion. I always equated accordians with Lawrence Welk. Then I got to Cajun country, and my views on the instrument changed exponentially!

    1. I can't do the savory oatmeal, either, but with rice, yes!

    2. Pretend the oatmeal is less gritty grits! OK, that's not any better? How about risotto - that's what it makes me think of.

  2. Ja, das ist die Liechtensteiner Polka, mein Schatz!

  3. Your savory oatmeal combo looks good. I'd eat it twice, too.

    I am done with shopping and wrapping! I still don't know how it happened. All that's left is to get the food for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. No biggie.

    1. I did have it again on Sunday, but I made WAY too much so I'm having the rest again today. I might be done with it now. Ha!

  4. I would eat all those things separately but NOT ALL TOGETHER! And that sweater doesn't really qualify for an ugly sweater contest.

    1. Yeah - I think it wasn't very ugly either. I just wanted to wear a Grinch sweatshirt.

  5. That brunch does look good! They have a bad rep, but a well-played accordion is actually pretty great.


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Eleven

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