Sunday, December 12, 2021

2021 Project 365 – Week Fifty

Food, Christmas, Critters… That’s all we’ve got this week, apparently.
Sunday, December 5th    
I was highly amused by this photo that Dr. M took because it looks like the angel is rolling its eyes at the idea of a blonde Mary. Ha!

Monday, December 6th     
It’s stoup season again! Makes me happy.

Tuesday, December 7th
I know a lot of Enneagram 9s who don’t love the sloth comparison, but it is the PERFECT animal for me. I am both asleep to my wants and desires AND I take forever to get anything done. So you know I had to have this barrette. Merry Christmas to me!

Meanwhile, Dr. M was having a banner day of his own. We love getting this annual calendar (yes, it has sheep in it too), we love a visit from The Roy, and we love it when sheep stare at Dr. M.

Wednesday, December 8th    
No photo.
Thursday, December 9th
The sun started setting at 4:30 in the holler…

Friday, December 10th     
There are MANY reasons I would be a terrible teacher, but the fact that it took four tries to write a legible “5” might be chief among them.

Saturday, December 11th    
The first 10 days of December were all over the place in temperature blanket land! What the heck! I’m not excited about all that pink creeping into my blue territory. Also, I did some rough calculating & I think I’ll get to the end around December 24th. Or next week. It was pretty rough calculating. I’m having trouble figuring out if I’m decreasing by one or two pixels each row. This might be why I’m not a math wizard.

I made another weird loaf of banana bread. We're still out of vanilla, so I used almond flavoring. I only had a half cup of sugar, so I added some brown sugar in. And I didn’t have enough banana, so I added an apple. And on a whim I threw in some mini chocolate chips. For some reason the apple & chocolate chips are kind of clashing to me. Does this mean I won’t eat it? No it does not. I just means that when I get a bite with both flavors I will make a little face.

You may not have noticed that the title of this post is 2021 Project 365 – Week Fifty. That seems incorrect – there are three more weeks in the year after this one. There are two possible explanations: 1. I’ve gotten off track in my numbering (this is my working theory), or it’s an anomaly because of the way the weeks are broken up. And in fact, I just looked, and January 1 is on a Saturday, which means that I will be calling the post with that day in it my first post of 2022.  I AM NOT GOOD AT MATH. Additionally, I think I’m the only one who notices or cares. Oomph. Are you a person who tries to make everything neat & tidy? Or are you like me – I notice that there’s something awry, but after a few minutes of contemplation decide that meh, it’ll do.  


  1. I'm just astonished. Never in my life had I heard of an Enneagram, and then one of the people I follow -- a German speaker -- just posted about the publication in English of his new book about it. Them? Whatever. From what I gather, it's sort of a mystic's approach to the Myers-Briggs personality inventory, but what do I know? When I saw that he follows or followed Gurdjieff, I just quietly went away.

    I wish you hadn't posted about that bread. I've been fighting the gimmee-sugars all day, and that looks so good! I keep thinking about the peppermint ice cream that's in the case at the grocery store three blocks away. Mustresistmustresist etc.

    1. That's funny! It's different from the Myers-Briggs. A very short explanation: MB describes HOW you interact in the world; the Enneagram describes WHY. For example, you and I might do the same thing in the same way, but our reason for doing it is probably very different. I think the Enneagram's origins might have been mystical, but most folks who ascribe to it today aren't very woo woo. It's really too complicated to go into in a comment. I keep promising to do a post on it but I haven't.

      I really wish you were around to help eat this bread - I've been overdosing on it :)

  2. I haven't made banana bread in ages. I have the stuff to make pumpkin bread right now, but will I? Probably not.

    I'd probably have eschewed almond flavouring and tossed in some cinnamon instead. You have an awful lot going on in that bread, though; maybe it didn't need anything else.

    1. The recipe called for cinnamon but I decided that would be over the top - hahahaha!

  3. Ha! I didn't even notice your numbering anomaly, to be honest, but that is kind of funny now that you mention it.

    Love the sloth barrette! The sun is setting ridiculously early here, too. I'm typing this at 3:39 p.m. and it's pretty close to dark outside. (Probably lots of cloud cover.)

    1. I don't have windows in my office so it really is like it's just night all the time right now since it's dark by the time I go home. I should go out at lunch, but that seems like too much work.

  4. I don't think you can rightly call that banana bread. We're not really having winter so far. A few col nights but at least it's not summer!

    1. You are correct - I can barely taste the banana.

    2. I spot a Lilla Rose sloth, and a few gray hairs ;-)
      My hair is becoming silvery.
      I like that word "stoup." We've been having a variety of those.
      I suspect that bread is much yummier than what you describe. Sounds irresistible.

    3. Yes Lilla Rose! Do I remember correctly that Elizabeth is a relative of yours? And those gray hairs will be going bye bye next week :)

  5. Love the first comment and photo. I used to think I was good at math, I DID major in it at college for a couple of years, you know. But I had to Google to find out what an Enneagram 9 was!

    1. I was an accounting major, but apparently that doesn't help with actual counting. Who knew?

  6. Your banana bread sounds good - well except for the bananas. I'd leave those out next time. Honestly, your blanket is going to be beautifully colorful. One here would all be the same color - hot. Math ugh! The reason we have calculators right on the cell phone! Thank goodness.

    1. I do think the blanket will be pretty, but I'm probably going to give it away because I'm not really into all that pink. Don't know what I was thinking when I chose those colors - ha! Hopefully it will make some local little girl (or boy!) happy.


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Ten

I’d like to blame the current administration for the state of my nails, but in fact they break off every year at this time. It’s like they d...