Friday, December 24, 2021

Merry Christmas!!

This is our 30th annual Christmas poem. This year it was Dr. M's turn and I must say that he outdid himself. Enjoy!

The new dawn blooms as we free it
For there is always light
If only we're brave enough to see it,
If only we're brave enough to be it.

Amanda Gorman, The Hill We Climb

Christmas comes again in a season
Of uncertainty. Can it be that we
Will ever be free of it? I think not.

“The gloom my doom it is to see”
A lesser poet once wrote, though
Even he imagined a season of hope.

Christmas comes to us, a birthday
Amidst festivals that celebrate light:
A star born to show us the way home.

“What is it like to dream of future days?”
The lesser poet asked, caught up
In a long, bleak midwinter moment.

Christmas comes to us, usurped
From those who lit fires and awaited
Dawn on the year’s longest night.

If the ancestors had hope then, even
In a season of darkness and dearth,
Why on earth can’t I now? I can.

Christmas comes to us, borne
On wings of light, not shadow!
Advent, the arrival of a new dawn.

A light perpetual and eternal.
A star to illuminate a path to hope.
A bold beacon of love everlasting.

J. Michael Rhyne, Christmas 2021


  1. Oh, my gracious. What a perfect poem for any Christmas, but especially for this one. It's wonderfully done, and one of the real gifts of the season. Merry Christmas to you both, and every single good wish possible for a happier New Year!

  2. Merry Christmas, and here's to Hope everlasting.

  3. Excellent poetic effort! Hope you're both having a great Christmas. :)


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