Sunday, August 21, 2022

2022 Project 365 – Week Thirty-three

Greetings from soggy North Carolina! It was a good bit cooler this week, but with rain almost every day it was pretty humid. August in the south – gotta love it. I mostly watch it from inside my air conditioned life. I was thinking the other day about what it was like when I was a kid when we had fans, but no air conditioning. I apparently survived, but how? It’s a mystery.
Sunday, August 14th           
Another Sunday, another butterfly. This one is a dark form Eastern Tiger Swallowtail, and the photo of it behind the Sulphur Cosmos is my new favorite thing.

Went to my dad’s & worked on this beast (there’s a situation with the border which hopefully we can figure out). As I said on FB, this puzzle’s fate is similar to the Farm Boy’s fate in Princess Bride. Dread Pirate Roberts: “Good night, Westley. Good work. Sleep well. I'll most likely kill you in the morning.” Then I came home & worked on another beast.

Monday, August 15th   
Terrible photo of excellent chicken fried rice. Dr. M always adds extra stuff (zucchini, mushrooms) and it is yummy.

Tuesday, August 16th        
No photo
Wednesday, August 17th              
Our two kinds of morning glories – common and Japanese/Ivy. I love that Dr. M’s new camera captures their true colors.

Thursday, August 18th         
No photo from today, but I was fiddling around with this one to show someone my outfit. It was taken back in 2003 when digital cameras left a LOT to be desired. This is baby Danabug, dressed as a missionary for Halloween, wearing the custom dress I had made when I worked for the Baptist Mission in Zambia back in 1987. I have ALL KINDS OF FEELINGS about this whole situation. Mission work in general is a complex minefield to me, and wearing an "African outfit" for Halloween is all kinds of nope to me now. Also, are those OCTOPI on that fabric? What in the world! On the other hand, I was so thrilled to fit back into that dress.

Friday, August 19th         
Had the day off from work and ordered new glasses, worked on the puzzle some more at my dad’s house (Sue made me another grilled cheese sandwich – yum!), and was in line at the pharmacy when one of my friends posted that it was World Photography Day & for us to post our photographs. This is what she got from me. Ha!

Saturday, August 20th          
My mom’s oldest friend passed away this week. She was the Ethel to my mom’s Lucy – they were SUCH a hoot together. I went on many an adventure with them – concerts and shopping and eating and laughing and laughing and laughing. I went to her visitation this evening & then stopped to pick up some Mexican food on my way home.

I’m starting to feel my “summer is almost over and it will be winter in 5 minutes” ennui. What is life? Why do anything? Where are my penguin pajamas? It’s ridiculous. Fall is lovely around here. And I like my boots. But still… How about you – which season is your favorite?


  1. I don't have 'a' favorite season. I have seasons: spring and fall. I like them because they're so full of changes. Summer's ok until about mid-June, and then it's just hot until mid-September. As it was, is now, and ever shall be: at least in Texas.

    Love the dress. In Liberia, we could find gorgeous Fanti cloth in the markets, and I loved my lappas, especially for traveling. My Liberian women friends taught me the trick: full length lappas and no underwear. That way, when nature called out there in the bush, you could squat down, do your business privately, and no one knew. Or, at least if they suspected, there was a bit of decorum. I still wear a Liberian/Ghanaian dress from time to time, although I wouldn't do it for Halloween. I have gone to a party as a marina power post, with a bit of power cord and water hose artfully draped around me.

    1. I have some chitengi wraps that I used to try to wear when I was in Zambia - but my hip to waist ratio made it a little hard to make non-R rated. One of the ones I had had the president's face on it - the Zambian ladies liked to wear it so that he was on their behind. Ha!

  2. You look lovely in the photo with the hat.

  3. I would say autumn is my favorite season. But really any season when it isn't hot. I prefer gray and clouds.

  4. I unwisely read an article based upon the Farmers Almanac and got a preview of our fall and winter. YIKES. I do NOT want to talk about it.

    As a rule, I name spring as my favourite season. I like the weather and all the new green and flowers. It's such a reward for slogging through the punishment of winter. I used to love summer, especially when I was teaching. Now, I mainly look forward to it for lake season and the produce and my herb garden. I am no fan of its heat and humidity, which seem to have gotten worse as the years go by (thank you, climate change).

    1. Oof - I can only imagine what kind of winter you guys will have.

  5. I think those are morning glories, not petunias. And is that short grain brown rice in that dish?

    1. Duh - you are correct and I've fixed it. I'm not sure what kind of rice that is - it came in a kit. It was good, but I'd rather have basmati :)


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Nine

I don’t even know what to say here. What can we say?  Sunday, February 23rd       We ended up not having choir practice so I decided to go t...