Sunday, June 11, 2023

2023 Project 365 – Week Twenty-three

It was an exciting week in BugLandia, but you’ll have to wait until Thursday to hear about it.
Sunday, June 4th   
I was looking at my hands in my lap on Sunday, thinking about how I sort of wear my heart on my sleeve (or on my wrists) and wondering what it is about people that they can’t just let other people live.

Monday, June 5th             
No photo.
Tuesday, June 6th                   
Fit check!

Wednesday, June 7th                               
It was after noon before I noticed that I’d put my watch on upside down.

Thursday, June 8th                   
Ta da! Our second great-nephew was born today! We’ve known since January that he has Down Syndrome, so there will be some challenges ahead – but right now we’re just very excited and I can’t wait to snuggle him!

Friday, June 9th                    
A blog friend turned IRL friend sent me this jersey that her mother had! Her mother was a huge Braves fan. She doesn’t know where the jersey came from, but I am so thrilled to get it. And it has Hank Aaron’s number on it!

Our daylilies have been going like gangbusters, but the wildflower bed is just now waking up.

Saturday, June 10th           
We had to move the boxes where I planted some wildflower seeds a few years ago, and they apparently aren’t fazed at all. I’ve been enjoyed this Sweet William quite a bit.

I took Friday off from work and it was glorious! I did little to nothing - sat on the deck and read my book - and had a wonderful day. And guess what? I took TOMORROW off too! I’m not sure I can even handle the luxury of another day with nothing I have to do. I’ll probably be well and truly ready to get back to work on Tuesday. What does your week look like?


  1. Your outfit in the photo from Tuesday looks lovely!

    1. Thank you! It reminded me a lot of what I used to wear in the 80s. Ha!

  2. our week ahead is hot, high 90s so i'll be staying indoors mostly because hot and because while trying to walk in the h\shade while walking the dog Saturday I tripped over a hidden pipe sticking a couple of inches above the ground and landed hard on my right knee which is now swollen and sore.

  3. Well, we're predicted to be hitting truly high heat in the next day or so -- heat indices from 105-113, so I'm anticipating a joyous week out on the docks! I'll be starting at true sunrise, putting in as many hours as I can -- like until noon -- and then hanging it up until about 5:30 or 6, when things start to moderate.

    That orange lily is something. I found one last weekend that had popped up in a country ditch. I think it must be some fancy cultivar, because it had layers of petals. I'll be putting up a photo of it so the gardeners like you can help me figure out what I actually found. It must have gotten the urge to roam and left its garden.

  4. Oh, gosh. I can't remember the last time I wore a watch! Probably way way back when the moon phase watches were a Big Thing. How quaint, right? Now watches are more like the ones from the show Star Trek!

    1. Well, mine is purportedly a FitBit - but I mostly wear it for the "smart" features (reminders pop up, alarms, etc.).

  5. Here's a story that will thrill and agonize you. Way back in the early 50's, my dad took me to a baseball game in Milwaukee. Hank Aaron was a rookie there then and before the game I went down and got his autograph on a baseball. It was lacquered and kept in a small stand in our home in faraway North Dakota until one day when our sandlot team ripped the cover off our ball and we needed a new one. "I know wherel there's one", said I and retrieved the Hank Aaron ball which we then ruined. I can't imagine what that would have been worth today! By the way, in that baseball game back in Milwaukee? Jim Wilson of the Braves outdueled Robin Roberts of the Phillies and pitched a no-hitter! It was my first big leaglue baseball game and, at around 11 or 12 years old I was too young to appreciate it.

    See, I told you it would both thrill and agonize you.

    1. Oh my gosh Bruce! I'm getting heart palpitations!


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Seven

Dear America, you are whack in danger. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen. (I might switch this up next week, but so far it still seems...