Sunday, June 25, 2023

2023 Project 365 – Week Twenty-five

While folks in Texas have been baking, we’ve had lots of rain and high temps in the 60s. Frankly, it was rude (although I think we needed the rain).
Sunday, June 18th   
Father’s Day! I went mall walking with this dude & we talked about all the important things.

Monday, June 19th             
Dr. M spent some time doing a photo shoot with the wildflower bed. Makes my heart happy.

Tuesday, June 20th                   
I was intrigued by these little flips in my hair today. I kind of like them, but will I be able to create this look again? Magic Eight Ball says not likely. Ha!

Wednesday, June 21st                             
Today at lunch I got to hang out with this squishmallow! He is so tiny and adorable. And his older brother is still the cutest thing ever. Smooches for everyone!

Thursday, June 22nd                    
Dr. M & I bought this calendar at Dollywood AGES ago. Twenty years? I can’t remember, but I know we had it when we lived in our first home in Ohio. Dr. M painted squares and scenes to use in it & I loved it, but I got tired of switching it over to the new month, so it’s been packed away for a long time. Anyway, I thought it might be fun to have in my office at work. I used the Valentine square to mark the anniversary of our first kiss. Ha!

Friday, June 23rd                      
A coworker complimented me on my terrible parking job (he knows about my hashtag #thebugparkingbadly). I didn’t believe him, so I looked out the bathroom window and well… I did go & move it later.

Dr. M got a last photo of the phoebe babies before they fledged. Also, Rita and Ms. Pinky had a little photo shoot, but the neighborhood cat was disinclined.

Saturday, June 24th           
Dr. M picked blueberries at his dad’s house. This has been a weird weather year, so this might be all we get.

Progress so far on a woodland animals blanket for the squishmallow up there (yes I know I’m stretching the definition of “woodland” by including a penguin). I’m terrible at embroidering so you probably can’t tell, but the fox is labeled Nean. That was my mom’s grandma name, and her maiden name was Fox, so I had to, right?

This week was really quiet at work, but the next four weeks in a row are going to be BUSY again. Lots of data entry in compressed amounts of time. Should be fun! Wait – I just remembered that the fifth week will involve four days of training on our new software system. Yay for July? How about you – is your summer going to be nice and meandering as it should be?


  1. That's such a great photo of you and your dad -- the family resemblance really shines! I wonder if your hair flips are due to the humidity? Mine's turned remarkably curly of late -- at least, when it's not hanging down straight in a sweat-soaked mess. I had to laugh again at your parking 'skills.' There's exactly one parking place at my apartments that has exactly one tree shading it for part of the day, but it's terrible to get into, because some car that never leaves is on one side and a curb on the other. It takes me at least three tries to get in, let alone get in straight, and I'm constantly running my tires up against the curb. Still: it's shade.

    1. You know I would never be able to park in that space. Although I DO have a backup camera on my current car, I struggle to use it accurately.

  2. My parking is getting more like yours as I age. So just go with it.

  3. My hair is getting wavy in my old age--and I have a strange cowlick kicking down from the widow's peak now, right smack in the middle of my bangs. The humidity is really doing a number on it all.

    I'm loving the bear in your blanket project. So cute!

    1. I prefer a bit of wave to my hair (because of my small head & looking like a q-tip), but it's nice if the wave is BEHAVING.

  4. pretty flowers and ooo, a little bitty baby! I like the calendar. was it made that way or did someone utilize a little display cabinet?

    1. I think it was built for this purpose. I'll post a photo of the inside the next time I switch it out.

  5. That's a clever calendar, but I can see how setting it up every month would be a drag! Very cute animal squares!

    1. Thanks! I'm working on the hippo now. Then I'll go back to actual woodland animals. Ha!


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Seven

Dear America, you are whack in danger. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen. (I might switch this up next week, but so far it still seems...