Sunday, August 20, 2023

2023 Project 365 – Week Thirty-three

I would like to apologize in advance for all the blanket content. I’m not as far along as I expected to be, but I worked on it almost every day. See? I can follow through on things! Eventually.
Sunday, August 13th      
I am HERE for waffles made by my dad. I will always say yes.

Monday, August 14th               
I started joining the squares on Sunday, and spent my lunch hour on Monday working on it.

Tuesday, August 15th                    
While fixing dinner, I noticed bread in the toaster. Dr. M looked at it & said, “that’s YESTERDAY’S toast!” He forgot to eat it, & neither of us noticed. I laughed like a loon. Just another day in the life of an absent minded professor.

Wednesday, August 16th                              
Went to see Dad & Sue at lunch, but (I thought) they weren’t there, so I just sat under this tree with the windows rolled down and read my book. Bliss! (As has happened one other time, it turns out that Dad & Sue are, in fact, NOT joined at the hip. She was gone, but he was in the house. Oops.)

Thursday, August 17th                        
Shared with no commentary.

Squares are joined! On to the border!

Friday, August 18th                         
Propped my feet up & did border things during my lunch hour.

Saturday, August 11th               
Had a pool party with a couple of my oldest friends yesterday (we missed you Sherri!) & had a blast. Showed off the 15 extra pounds I’ve put on this year, got sunburned (forgot to put any sunscreen on my legs šŸ˜³), crocheted, ate charcuterie & cookies. It was a good day! (Bonus content – a photo of me wearing the same swimsuit in 2004. Suffice it to say that I don’t swim very often.)

Meanwhile, Dr. M did some porch sitting with Pop. 

Speaking of waffles, I had a FB friend pose the question as to which was superior, waffles or pancakes, and here was my answer: They are two different things. Sometimes you need the cakey cake of the pancake. Sometimes you need the crunchy squish of the waffle. The only thing that’s always true: a quart of butter & syrup on whichever tasty treat you eat. What say you?


  1. Here's what I believe about pancakes/waffles: waffles are pancakes with abs.
    I couldn't believe your off-handed remark about sitting in your car and reading with the windows down. That's a very northern thing to do. We're all celebrating the coming of rain to south Texas -- i.e.from maybe Corpus to the border -- but none for us. We're in for another week or ten days of serious heat. It wouldn't be so bad, but they teased us with the possibility of rain: BAD weather gurus!

    My weekend has been a delight. I came home Friday to an email from my apt. complex manager. They've engaged a new pest control company. That's good. They're going to treat the whole complex next week. That's better. Our job is to empty every cabinet, pantry, and drawer in the kitchen and bath, and clear off every horizontal surface. That's an enormous pain in the patoot. I understand it, but goodness... The good news is that I took it as a sign to finally get down to some real sorting, throwing, and clearing. Finally, all my insurance papers are in the same place and the useless or never used stuff is gone: including that opened box of pasta from 2017. Good grief.

    1. Wow. I'm sitting here wondering if I can pretend that we're going to have pest control come through here. Because we could DEFINITELY use some sorting out around here.

      I really feel for you guys in Texas. It was in the upper 80s when I was sitting in my car, but there was a bit of a breeze so it was pretty darned pleasant.

  2. I haven't had a waffle in years. And I don't miss them. And my pancake eating is spare as well and almost always for dinner.

    Crochet must be way faster than knitting. I'm still knitting the baby blanket I started at the beginning of summer.

    1. I think it is a lot faster - another reason I cling to it & haven't tried knitting again. It takes me so long as it is that I don't want to wait even longer.

  3. I have a waffle iron but rarely use it and I do like waffles. I just can't ever tell when they are ready and lift up the top. I always jump the gun. Jade is here and we've been working on remaking her quilt.

    1. My dad has one of those like they have in hotels (smaller), where you flip it. He has it down to a science. It was hilarious when Sue & I tried to make them when he came home from the hospital - he ended up having to do it anyway.

  4. I would agree -- a waffle and a pancake are "different moods."

    I'm so impressed your bathing suit has lasted 20 years or more! I don't swim much either. In fact I've only worn my current bathing suit once, and it's four years old.

    Love the video. Hope the hair thing isn't permanent. LOL

    1. My hair seems to be a lot calmer today - but I'm not holding my breath that it will stay that way. Ha!

  5. thecontemplativecat here Waffles must be crunchy. In fact bread products should be toasted and crispy.

  6. Wow, Dana! You are still posting faithfully! I don't think I've visited your blog since I ended mine. You are looking so trim! I do see you occasionally on FB, and your amazing handiwork.

    1. I miss your blog! I use mine to remember things, which is why I've kept it up.


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Nine

I don’t even know what to say here. What can we say?  Sunday, February 23rd       We ended up not having choir practice so I decided to go t...