Sunday, August 27, 2023

2023 Project 365 – Week Thirty-four

This week Dr. M and I are slightly obsessed with our hair.
Sunday, August 20th      
We had an ice cream social at church and it was a blast! One of our members is so creative & everything was very cute. I got new glasses and matched the décor quite well. Ha!

Monday, August 21st                
Yesterday’s hair was a bit much, so I tried to tame it.

Tuesday, August 22nd                     
Dr. M says: Six months ago my labs showed that in the last 18 months my A1c had risen from 5.9 to 6.9, and I had gained a significant amount of weight. It was time to act. I started taking metformin to lower my A1c. It was effective, in that 3 months later my number was 6.7, but it was not a pleasant 3 months for my digestive system. Also, I only managed to lose 7 pounds…less than half my goal. On May 15, my PCP handed me a free month supply of low dose Jardiance. After a month I felt a lot better and had lost 5 pounds or more. So I bit the substantive bullet and bought another month’s worth, and then another after that. As of today I am down 19 pounds from what I weighed on May 15 [Note from the Bug – that’s a total of 26 pounds!]! And my A1c is 6.5! So I’m having some Utz honey barbecue potato chips.

Wednesday, August 23rd                               
No photo.
Thursday, August 24th                        
Dr. M never wears his hair down so it’s easy to forget how much he’s got. I’m pretty jealous of the curls. Also, aren’t his dimples adorable?

Friday, August 25th                         
I was working on the border & started feeling like someone was watching me. Ha!

Saturday, August 26th               
Dr. M found a happy little field in his Saturday travels.

Our church was canceled today because the AC wasn’t working – it was 91 degrees in the sanctuary last night. So I’m hanging out at home this morning before I leave to pick up Sunday lunch for the fam. When I get back I’m finishing that blanket! So there! Anything you’re looking forward to finishing?


  1. That scarf (?) in your first set of photos looks like it's trimmed with M&Ms. The only thing that puzzles me about ice cream socials (or places like Marble Slab, for that matter) is why anyone would want to put all that "stuff" into and around perfectly good ice cream. I'll go hot fudge, and maybe some chopped pecans, but otherwise? I'm a purist!

    Dr. M's hair astonished me. I had no idea!

    1. It's a sort of long vest - and yes it does look like M&Ms. Ha!

  2. I love your tuesday hair do. and Dr. M does have a lot of hair, about as long as my son in laws, and that single lock in the middle of his forehead, I believe were it me I'd just cut that baby off.

    the only thing I want to finish is the incessant watering but that won't happen til we get some good rain.

    1. Thanks! We may be seeing that one a lot until it's long enough to tuck behind my ears.

  3. Oh my! Dr. M looks like the true pirate he is at the heart of his soul! He should wear his hair down way more often. Course it might frighten some of your locals but, hey, that'd be a good thing, wouldn't it? Ahoy, matey!

    1. Yes - I think he should definitely wear it down more often!

  4. Jazzy new glasses! Congrats to Dr. M for the weight loss. He has a kind of Arlo Guthrie look with his hair down! Can he sing "City of New Orleans"?

    1. I don't know if he can, but I'm sure that now he will try. Ha!

  5. I don't like a lot of stuff in my ice cream, but I'd probably take some M&Ms to eat on the side.

    I'm amused by your church cancelling services due to the heat. I get it, but comfort and religion never went hand in hand for me. Add to that the constant reminder that JESUS SUFFERED AND DIED FOR YOUR SINS! and it seems like holding services in 91 degrees pales by comparison. ;-)

    1. Oh but the UCC is a kinder gentler form of church! Also, we're wimps. Ha!

  6. I always love your reading your blog, Dana. This week “hair theme” is great and you and the Dr are rocking the hair. And who doesn’t love some good ice cream? ❤️


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