Sunday, August 6, 2023

2023 Project 365 – Week Thirty-one

Pickins are slim around here, for undetermined reasons. I’ve been reading a lot? We’ve been in a funk? Summer has just beaten us down into a gooey paste?
Sunday, July 30th      
No photo today – just a mini sermon from me at church.

Monday, July 31st              
It’s Monday & I am taking umbrage at my hair (what in the world) & the giant zit that’s too gross to reveal in this photo. I am almost 60 years old and I DO NOT APPROVE.

Tuesday, August 1st                    
No photo.
Wednesday, August 2nd                               
I thought this photo of me walking at work was pretty cool. No?

Thursday, August 3rd                       
Tender vittles moment in my audiobook. Sob!

Friday, August 4th                         
Here I am trying to drink coffee again. My dad gave me some Miracle Berries which are supposed to make sour & bitter things taste sweet, & my coworker made me a fancy cup of coffee with cream. I *think* I could drink it if someone made me. Maybe. But since I’m the boss of me I’ll just say no thank you. Blech. Note: the Miracle Berries are very tasty – I could just eat those instead of all those sour/bitter foods.

Saturday, August 5th               
We’re having a school supply drive at church for our local Title I elementary school. Dr. M took his mission very seriously – he got a list of supplies for 3rd graders and got All The Things. This is for two students – a lot of stuff & a fair amount of money. It’s no wonder that so many teachers end up spending their own money so that students can have what they need. (And isn’t that Encanto backpack the bomb? Look at the little pompoms under the pocket zipper!)

I’m currently watching baseball & getting a little frustrated with my Braves. Yes, they’re still currently leading their division by 11 games, and yes they’ve won 6 of their last 10 games, but… wait, where was I going with this? I guess I’d like them to win this particular game. Anyway, do you have anything that you feel irrational about right now?


  1. I can't imagine someone not enjoying coffee, but then again -- keep your danged Brussels sprouts to yourselves, thank you very much. I thought about you last night when I came home late and put my car directly over one of the white lines that's supposed to define a parking space. Yes, I reparked. There aren't that many spaces; I shouldn't hog two.

    I tried to think about irrational things that might be lurking around my consciousness, but couldn't come up with one. Well, unless it might be a hoe that it will rain next week. That's next level irrational, for sure.

  2. The Diamondbacks. What happened?

    1. They're only 8 1/2 games back - plenty of time to make that up! ;)

  3. You're not alone--lots of people don't like coffee. They love the smell of it and the idea of it, but they cannot abide the taste. I am not one of those people, but I understand it. I feel the same way about popcorn.

    1. Yeah - the smell of popcorn is much better than the actual experience. I do love the taste, but not the way the salt leaves my mouth feeling all dried out.

  4. what the hell is a miracle berry? I like my two cups of black coffee in the morning but after that...nope. you might like coffee if you got some good coffee instead of the old burnt crap you can buy at the store. we order ours from a woman who imports organic beans from all over, doesn't roast them until she's ready to fill your order and then ships them out immediately. we grind them but she will if you prefer.

    1. I don't know Ellen - I don't think there's any hope for me & coffee. It reminds me of the time a friend told me she was making me a VERY WEAK strawberry daiquiri - it tasted like cough syrup.

  5. I don't understand your antipathy toward coffee, but never mind. What are those "miracle berries"? I've never heard of them before. I liked your mini-sermon! It seems to be human nature for some people to be jockeying for power, regardless of gender, but I've never understood the appeal.

    1. Yes - I'm more of a live & let live kind of a person. But of course we need people in charge because not everyone WILL live & let live.

      I googled the berries - they come from tropical Africa, originally, but folks are growing them in the states now too. They're supposed to coat your mouth with a sweet flavor that blocks sour/bitter tastes. THEY tasted good, but they didn't help with the coffee at all. So bitter. Ha!


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Seven

Dear America, you are whack in danger. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen. (I might switch this up next week, but so far it still seems...