Saturday, April 27, 2024

2024 Project 365 – Week Seventeen

I’m enjoying the calm before the storm – open enrollment kicks off a week from Monday and it will be crazypants until the end of June. And in the midst of that we’re still working on our new operating system that supposed to go live July 1st. Some days (like today) I think it’s going to be fine. Other days I’m wondering if 60 is too early to retire and can I just go ahead & do it now.
Sunday, April 21st                 
I went to church and then had lunch with Dad & Sue. Meanwhile, Dr. M checked out our rain-drenched geraniums. Ms. Rita is loving life outside. Miss Pinky is having her annual snit. She likes it hot and we’re not there yet.

Monday, April 22nd    
Morning Dana really appreciates that Evening Dana (most of the time) packs her lunch, picks out what she’s going to wear, & lays out jewelry & toppers.

Tuesday, April 23rd                             
The conditions were hazy, but Dr. M got what he could of the Pink Moon.

Wednesday, April 24th     
No photo.
Thursday, April 25th                                
I wanted a new profile picture.

Friday, April 26th            
Took a photo of dad’s other azalea. It’s not as ginormous as the one I posted last week, but still lovely.

Saturday, April 27th                               
I was nervous crocheting during hockey & finished sleeve island!

I think I’ve run out of words. Do you have anything interesting to say?


  1. Did you tell Ms. Pinky that there was a pink moon? That might perk her up a bit.
    I'd never heard of the pink moon; there's always something new on the horizon (!)
    I will say that I prefer the color of the previous azaleas. Pink's ok, but it's never been a favorite -- I think my mother traumatized me with the color when I was a kid. She insisted on pink everything; my bedroom looked like a cheap, overly frosted cake. Of course, it was the late 40s and early 50s, which explains a lot.

    1. Yes, I like the vibrant hue of the other ones best too. Although mixed together they make a nice tableau (kind of like your most recent post!).

  2. Our geraniums are also not loving this cool weather. I still have one of them inside, in fact; I may keep it in because outside the blossoms get wet and then they rot. I'm impressed that you're so organized, laying out your clothes the night before! I never know what I'm going to wear until about 30 seconds before I put it on. (Granted, there is less accessorizing.)

    1. The main reason I have to do it the night before is because, unlike you, I get out of bed with just enough time to spare to get to work (although I usually try to get there a half hour early). I don't have enough wiggle room to dither about my outfit. Ha!

  3. sleeve island? what are those? I have that same pink azalea. it's the only one that blooms well.

    1. A lot of knitters talk about getting stranded on sleeve island - they will knit the body of the garment & then not do the sleeves. I'm lucky on this one because the pattern has you do the sleeves before your put the rest of it together (also, it's crochet so maybe not as complicated as knitting?).

  4. My overwintered geranium is going crazy. I am desperate to plant it outdoors, but we had both frosts and freezes last week. It's huge, though, and I'm ready to let it take its chances and give me some space. The forecast looks solid.

    Isn't it nice to wake up to a Fashion Plan? Such a relief, and what a time and angst saver.

    1. Yes! I hate it when I forget. Especially because "forgetting" usually means that I wasn't sure what I wanted to wear & I'm just postponing the decision.

  5. My evening self is like the little whiny, helpless sister and my morning self is the big, competent sister, telling little sister not to worry, she will take care of all the things. Ha! I want to have geraniums all over but it is always a struggle to get them to bloom. But clearly, you have it figured out! BTW, this is the time of year when I most enjoy the blanket you made me. It stays on the porch and is just the right amount of coverage when some sort of coverage is needed. Many thanks!


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

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