Saturday, May 4, 2024

2024 Project 365 – Week Eighteen

Dr. M and I have been busy busy, so this selection of photos is…interesting.
Sunday, April 28th                  
Dr. M & went to a Celebration of Life service for his Aunt Judy (and about 180 other people). It was hosted by Atrium Health and was a lovely service. If you look closely you can see Dr. M getting ready to light a candle for Judy.

Monday, April 29th     
Peaches is making her debut for the summer. Pretty!

Tuesday, April 30th                             
Dr. M’s dad got new glasses. He was so glad – he’d broken his other ones and really missed them!

Wednesday, May 1st      
My doctor had asked me to monitor my blood pressure (she’s thinking of adjusting my meds). Think she should?

Thursday, May 2nd                                 
TBT – my brother and me with my Aunt Lila. Aren’t we adorable? We were putting money in the jar for the NC Baptist Children’s Home offering. That photo was on the cover of their publication that month.

Friday, May 3rd             
I was shocked! Shocked I say!

Late afternoon snack. There’s oatmeal somewhere under there.

Saturday, May 4th                                
The recycle bin under my desk (I worked for a while today.) I don’t have a Sundrop problem. Why do you ask?

I worked late almost every day last week (and skipped lunch most days). We have a coworker out and it’s open enrollment and there’s that new system we’ve been working on. It’s a little intense. My coworkers are already being extra nice around me because they don’t want to see Scary Dana. Ha! What’s going on in your world?


  1. in my world I realized just how out of control my sister's yard is and it seems to have happened overnight. are you feeling well? I have to ask because that afternoon snack is something I would eat, not Dana-ish at all. and one time in my life I got wordle in two.

    1. I've been too busy to think up weird concoctions!

  2. I love the old photo of you and your brother! And yeah, that snack looks yummy and very healthy. Not the Sun Drop, so much. :)

    1. Yeah - it's a bad habit. But I've got to get my caffeine somewhere.

  3. I don't know what your doc will do about the medication, but you might want to consider adjusting your Sun Drop intake! Quite apart from the sky high sugars, I just read that it's really high in added caffeine. Yowsa!

    I didn't know that Wordle still is around. Oh -- and tell Dr. M's dad that his new glasses are really spiffy. I like them!

    1. I drink Diet Sundrop (not that that's really any better for you). But I will say that was two weeks worth of cans/bottles. Also, I don't drink coffee - this is the only caffeine I get.

    2. Thanks! I picked them out. His old frames broke and he lost a lens. It was a bit of an ordeal for him waiting on these, but he's happy with them!

  4. Not to pile on, but the combo of sodium, caffeine, and the fact that it's replacing water makes that soda a threat to your BP. I got Rick off of diet Pepsi, and it has really helped his numbers. (He's not a coffee drinker, either--decaf and herbal tea only.)

    Hang in there with all this open enrollment stuff. I know it's a stressful time. Walk it off if/when you can. My current Wordle streak is at 174, and it's getting to be a real Me vs Them mentality every day. I had no idea I was so competitive.

    1. I might try to limit it. I drink around 24 oz a day. It's less than half the caffeine as the same amount of coffee, and about 8% of my recommended daily sodium intake. But I know some people are more sensitive than others. But the BP situation could also be because of how stressful work is right now. We'll see!

      Oh - my highest Wordle streak is 79. I was so stressed about it & then I lost and for a while life lost all meaning. Ha!

  5. Ooohhh, Jersey Mike's! I discovered them back in 2013 when we spent 10 months back in Phoenix. Then they recently opened a store close to where we live now. We have used it f-r-e-q-u-e-n-t-l-y! So good. Oh, Wordle. I had 4 letters in the right slots on my first guess this morning. Then it took me until the 6th guess to get the other letter. Sheesh!

    1. Yes - it had been a while since I had it. It was good! And I had the exact same Wordle situation yesterday!

  6. Maybe I need to eat at Jersey Mike’s. Hope your blood pressure gets regulated. Have a wonderful day.


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2025 Project 365 – Week Ten

I’d like to blame the current administration for the state of my nails, but in fact they break off every year at this time. It’s like they d...