Saturday, May 11, 2024

2024 Project 365 – Week Nineteen

Open enrollment has launched and now I have a couple of weeks to get things organized before the big push to get all the paperwork turned in and the changes entered into the system. There are complications this year (due to the aforementioned world building project, and changes to some payroll schedules) and I’m having some middle of the night worry sessions about those. I just have to make it to the middle of July and it might calm down. Maybe. Anyway, another couple of months of complaining to you.
Sunday, May 5th                  
I was already in bed & remembered we hadn’t taken a photo, so here is one of me laughing at something Dr. M said. I wish I could remember what it was so I could tell you, but we laugh a lot.

Monday, May 6th     
If it’s Monday it must be Peaches.

Tuesday, May 7th                             
It’s an arpeggio of birbs! The fledged over Dr. M’s head the next day.

Went on a walk with Kim & she brought her latest child, Teddy. He is adorable.

Wednesday, May 8th       
We aren’t getting many peonies this year, but what we have are lovely.  

It was my boss's birthday & I had some of the devil’s most excellent lemonade. I never go there, but we get Chick Fil A frequently at work because it’s one of his favorite places to eat. My principles are no match for for free food.

Thursday, May 9th                                  
You may recall that I ordered this cutting board after I saw it at my sister-in-law’s house. This was exactly how I envisioned it being used. Dr. M chopped up all these peppers to put in the freezer & then cut up veggies for the stir fry he made later in the day.  

Friday, May 10th             
No photo.
Saturday, May 11th                                
Dr. M’s dad’s blueberry bush – I’m going to be busy later!

Tonight may or may not be the last game of the season for my Carolina Hurricanes. They have to win to continue their playoff run. Win or lose it has been a GREAT season. Do you have anything ending or beginning?


  1. I actually saw peonies at the grocery store today: beautiful, deep rose-colored ones, and some white ones. I've never seen them here before. I didn't buy any, but I thought about it. I'm still thinking about it. They were one of my favorite flowers 'back home' in Iowa, and I miss them.

    I absolutely adore Chick-Fil-A's sugar free lemonade. It doesn't have that funny aftertaste that some lemon drinks have, and they use real squeezed lemons in it. All good. My big discovery of the week is Noosa yogurt's new line called "Delights." They have a key lime pie yogurt that tastes exactly like the best key lime pie I've ever had, and the ingredients are all good: no unpronounceable chemicals, etc. It's calorie laden, but less than a piece of pie, and it was utterly satisfying. When I finished, I didn't even want any more -- the sign of a good treat!

    I do think I might begin rooting for the Houston Astros to finish with the worst record ever in the history of baseball. It would make watching the dumpster fire easier.

    1. Yes - this was sugar free & I've not found anything close to as good.

  2. Oh, peonies! I love them. And I miss them. Yet another thing I've had to give up for my husband, whose allergies simply will not permit us to have. Sigh. Almost all spring flowers cause him terrible misery. Please enjoy them doubly for me.

    Now, those blueberries--you can have all those to yourself. I've tried and tried to like them, especially since I know how good they are for me. But they've thwarted me at every turn. Darn things.

    1. Blueberries can be hit or miss. I like it when they're a little (but not too) tart. Do NOT like them when they're over sweet. Dr. M eats those :)

  3. I guess the baby mockingbirds here have fledged and moved on as the parents aren't dive bombing the cat and dog any more.

    1. Either Phoebes aren't as militant or they're used to us - they mostly just fly away when we're around.

  4. That's a lot of blueberries! I love seeing those baby birds.

    1. It IS a lot of blueberries - & means a lot of oatmeal since that's what I mostly eat them on them.


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Ten

I’d like to blame the current administration for the state of my nails, but in fact they break off every year at this time. It’s like they d...