Sunday, February 23, 2025

2025 Project 365 – Week Eight

Dear America, you are whack  in danger. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen. (I’m going to change this for Lent, which starts March 5th.)

Sunday, February 16th      

Craig & I were matchy matchy so I had to get a photo (he always wears the best clothes). 

Monday, February 17th

No photo.

Tuesday, February 18th

No photo.

Wednesday, February 19th 

We got the cutest little snow!

Thursday, February 20th  

Another fine soup by Dr. M!

The last game of the Four Nations Hockey Tournament was so exciting! (For real though, it was really exciting - it was just past my bedtime.)

Friday, February 21st      

I had to pin my shirt together & just grabbed this one, but I’m not sure how I feel about the one penguin taking a peek down my shirt!

Saturday, February 22nd     

I went through HALF my closet yesterday (it’s ridiculous because I never get rid of anything). I took pictures of the things I wasn’t sure about & sent them to my squad to get their yay and nay. (Ignore the jeans in most of the photos - they’re new & just what I grabbed to put on.)

I still have the other half of my closet to go through - maybe next week. I wonder when we’ll have time to clean out our national closet?

Sunday, February 16, 2025

2025 Project 365 – Week Seven

Dear America, you are whack in danger. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen. (I might switch this up next week, but so far it still seems quite apt. We’ll see.)

Sunday, February 9th      

I wasn’t planning on sharing all these squares with you guys until the blanket is done, but this is the only photo from the day, so here you go.

Monday, February 10th

No photo.

Tuesday, February 11th

We’ve taken to making EXTRA CHEESY omelets around these parts. 

Wednesday, February 12th 

Dr. M got me the usual Valentine Tulips given the usual couple of days early. Sweet!

Thursday, February 13th  

Dr. M worked VERY HARD to make this excellent meal for me! I’ve felt so much better ever since he’s been ramping up the protein in our meals. 

There’s a moon in the sky!

Friday, February 14th      

Spent some quality time with my dad, Sue, brother, & sister-in-law (and the puzzle) on my way home from work on Friday. And there was a bonus driveby by my aunt Vivian! 

Saturday, February 15th      

My college friend Jenny threw herself a 60th birthday party and it was fabulous! 

I wore a 38 year old acid washed denim skirt to the party because I was feeling rebellious, only to be told that acid wash is back in style. Who knew? I guess we all do now. Assuming the 20-somethings who told me that weren’t just humoring the old lady. Anyway, I’m planning to wear it to work sometime. Stay tuned for reactions and commentary. These are the things I’m doing to try to not panic. What are you doing?

Saturday, February 8, 2025

2025 Project 365 – Week Six

Dear America, you are whack in danger. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen. 

Sunday, February 2nd      

Ran out of yarn at the end of the last row. It kind of reminds me of how close we were to really being able to celebrate Black History Month with a Black president who wasn’t trying to dismantle democracy. So close! But we didn’t close the gap & now the world is turned upside down.

P.S.  I have more yarn - it’s just in hank form in a bin somewhere. Not sure if we have more democracy though.

Monday, February 3rd 

Dr. M spent some time deck sitting and bird shooting! There was a white-breasted nuthatch, male yellow-bellied sapsucker, Carolina chickadee, Tufted titmouse, and maybe a purple finch (possibly a house finch).

Tuesday, February 4th

The moon man strikes again!

Wednesday, February 5th 

Dinner’s not served until the smoke detector goes off! (It was startlingly delicious!)

Thursday, February 6th  

It was a cardinal palooza! Their expressions are so funny to me. 

Friday, February 7th      

The other day my boss had to binder clip my pants AND use a command strip to fasten my shirt closed (I’m just so short from neck to chest that I was inadvertently flashing people). I decided it was finally time to go shopping for pants. My first try wasn’t successful because the two sizes I took into the dressing room were still too big. This time the pants fit, but are too long and HAVE NO POCKETS. I am not spending $$$ to buy pants with no pockets. I tried on some petites (different brand) and they were the right length but still no pockets. People. There is too much going on the world to put up with no pockets. 

Saturday, February 7th      

I went into the office for a few hours today, stopped by to see dad & Sue and work the puzzle, and came home & watched a heckuva hockey game. Then Dr. M made white chicken chili and it was delicious!

I’ve typed and erased three things. I got nothing. Talk amongst yourselves please!

Saturday, February 1, 2025

2025 Project 365 – Week Five

Dear America, you are whack. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen. (This was last week’s intro. It seemed apt this week too. Will I just leave it in perpetuity? Maybe!)

Sunday, January 26th       

Our music minister was guest preaching today and I had to get a photo of his stole - lovely! (The sermon was 🔥 too!)

Monday, January 27th 

Scrolling the socials in the evening… this is from Brittany Packnett Cunningham

Tuesday, January 28th

After some frigid temps (for our area), today was lovely! Dr. M’s dad got to do what he loves best - sit out in the sun. Also, some fine person brought him a bird feeder, which has also brought a lot of enjoyment.

Wednesday, January 28th 

This week at work was CRAZYPANTS. Fortunately everything was resolved by Friday so we could all relax this weekend.

Thursday, January 30th  

One of these days I’ll buy some new clothes. But until then I’ll just make use of binder clips!

Friday, January 31st      

Posted to the socials: My @feryldesigns necklace perfectly covers up the place where I basically poured water all over my shirt. Right?

Saturday, February 1st       

As I said last week, I started this blanket in 2022, but then other projects got in the way. Also, I was stuck on a very complicated square that basically involved braiding and I am not a hairdresser. I finally pulled it back out again, frogged the square, and then started a new one. Despite my dire predictions to the contrary, I hope to finish the blanket this year.

Black History Month started today, and if ever there was a time we needed to be reminded of the accomplishments of Black folks, this is it. Oof. I don’t even know what to say or think anymore. How are you doing?

2025 Project 365 – Week Nine

I don’t even know what to say here. What can we say?  Sunday, February 23rd       We ended up not having choir practice so I decided to go t...