Sunday, February 16, 2025

2025 Project 365 – Week Seven

Dear America, you are whack in danger. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen. (I might switch this up next week, but so far it still seems quite apt. We’ll see.)

Sunday, February 9th      

I wasn’t planning on sharing all these squares with you guys until the blanket is done, but this is the only photo from the day, so here you go.

Monday, February 10th

No photo.

Tuesday, February 11th

We’ve taken to making EXTRA CHEESY omelets around these parts. 

Wednesday, February 12th 

Dr. M got me the usual Valentine Tulips given the usual couple of days early. Sweet!

Thursday, February 13th  

Dr. M worked VERY HARD to make this excellent meal for me! I’ve felt so much better ever since he’s been ramping up the protein in our meals. 

There’s a moon in the sky!

Friday, February 14th      

Spent some quality time with my dad, Sue, brother, & sister-in-law (and the puzzle) on my way home from work on Friday. And there was a bonus driveby by my aunt Vivian! 

Saturday, February 15th      

My college friend Jenny threw herself a 60th birthday party and it was fabulous! 

I wore a 38 year old acid washed denim skirt to the party because I was feeling rebellious, only to be told that acid wash is back in style. Who knew? I guess we all do now. Assuming the 20-somethings who told me that weren’t just humoring the old lady. Anyway, I’m planning to wear it to work sometime. Stay tuned for reactions and commentary. These are the things I’m doing to try to not panic. What are you doing?


  1. I'm laughing about the acid wash being back in style, but only because I didn't realize it ever had gone out of style. Of course, I'm as far from a style maven as there could be, so there's that. Your friend's party color scheme seemed perfect for a 60th. A little brash, a little bold, and utterly lovely. Speaking of color, those are some of the most interesting red tulips. They seem a somewhat different shade of red: more the film star of the 1940s red. Good choice by your Dr. M!

    1. The last time I dragged that skirt out the internet told me to send it back to the 80s - ha! And Jenny's party was VERY her. A lot of fun!

  2. I love all that bright, shocking pink. AND the fact that she threw herself a party.

    Tulips are the new roses--I read that in an article right before Valentine's Day. I still favour carnations (and always will), but I do like tulips. They remind me of Spring.

    1. I found a picture from around 1997 where I was carrying my Valentine's tulips that Mike had sent to the office. I still have the vase they came in - ha!

  3. If jeans, t-shirts, and flannel shirts are ever in style I'll be ready. That's a great square. Your friend looks great in her sparkly shirt and in your face pink.

    1. I never really worry about style - it's more: does this fit? Is it comfortable? I mean, I like to put together outfits that go together, but I don't really know or care if it's something people are wearing now.

  4. I'm impressed you still HAVE a 38-year-old acid-washed denim skirt! I have some clothes from "former lives" but nothing that's been tucked away that long.

    1. I kept it for sentimental reasons & since it folded up neatly it was easy to just keep in a drawer.


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Nine

I don’t even know what to say here. What can we say?  Sunday, February 23rd       We ended up not having choir practice so I decided to go t...