Saturday, February 1, 2025

2025 Project 365 – Week Five

Dear America, you are whack. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen. (This was last week’s intro. It seemed apt this week too. Will I just leave it in perpetuity? Maybe!)

Sunday, January 26th       

Our music minister was guest preaching today and I had to get a photo of his stole - lovely! (The sermon was 🔥 too!)

Monday, January 27th 

Scrolling the socials in the evening… this is from Brittany Packnett Cunningham

Tuesday, January 28th

After some frigid temps (for our area), today was lovely! Dr. M’s dad got to do what he loves best - sit out in the sun. Also, some fine person brought him a bird feeder, which has also brought a lot of enjoyment.

Wednesday, January 28th 

This week at work was CRAZYPANTS. Fortunately everything was resolved by Friday so we could all relax this weekend.

Thursday, January 30th  

One of these days I’ll buy some new clothes. But until then I’ll just make use of binder clips!

Friday, January 31st      

Posted to the socials: My @feryldesigns necklace perfectly covers up the place where I basically poured water all over my shirt. Right?

Saturday, February 1st       

As I said last week, I started this blanket in 2022, but then other projects got in the way. Also, I was stuck on a very complicated square that basically involved braiding and I am not a hairdresser. I finally pulled it back out again, frogged the square, and then started a new one. Despite my dire predictions to the contrary, I hope to finish the blanket this year.

Black History Month started today, and if ever there was a time we needed to be reminded of the accomplishments of Black folks, this is it. Oof. I don’t even know what to say or think anymore. How are you doing?


  1. There's nothing like a bird feeder for amusement. As the saying goes, it's better than television. I laughed at your binder clip. I can't remember for the life of me which television reporter did it, but there was one -- I think at the California fires -- that had used a clip to pull together the back of his jacket to make it fit a little more trimly. A good idea is a good idea!

    I like the teal in the new blocks; the other blue, not so much. That's me, not you. I enjoy teal and turquoise, and a nice blue sky, and maybe cobalt, but there are certain shades of blue I just can't abide. A friend recently painted her kitchen one of 'those' blues, and it's almost depressing. I know. Weird.

    1. That's funny about the blue. Do you mean the light blue or the navy? Or both?

  2. I think "America, you are whack" may be appropriate for the next four years.

    I also sat out in the sun today! It was cold but oh, glorious sunshine!

    1. Yep - America is definitely whack. Heavy sigh.

  3. Go buy yourself new clothes! You deserve it. I was planning to make one of Mary Moon's name blankets for Paisleigh and now I have to make two. New baby in the family.

    1. Oh boy! Can't wait to meet the new little one!

  4. Expecting the very worst. The simplest way for me to put it is that I believe there's a strong possibility that Trump will go full Putin authoritarian.

  5. Replace Whack with In Danger and you're way more accurate.

    If you're keeping your clothes because you love them, then find a good seamstress. Cheaper than buying new stuff and you can keep your cozy wardrobe. Of course, that's not always easy.

    1. That has been the struggle. Also, I've been here before & then gained the weight back. I know I should get rid of or alter the things that don't fit (or throw them away!) but it's hard!

  6. Love your Music Minister's sash, or whatever it is. But I'll bet he loves it too.


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Nine

I don’t even know what to say here. What can we say?  Sunday, February 23rd       We ended up not having choir practice so I decided to go t...