Sunday, January 26, 2025

2025 Project 365 – Week Four

Dear America, you are whack. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen.

Sunday, January 19th       

Dr. M saw a whole passel of turkeys on their way to Sardis Lutheran Church this morning! By the time he got his camera he just had time to catch the stragglers - obviously gossiping about what Louise was going to be wearing that day. 

I’ve had this skirt for YEARS and on a whim decided to see if it fits now - it does! Also pictured: the contraption my dad loaned me to use to put my compression socks on. ALSO, my head looks really big in this photo. I thought I had a small head? Is that a lie I’ve been telling myself all these years?

Monday, January 20th 

I spent MLK day cleaning my house & listening to this book. I think other things were happening that day, but I wasn’t interested. 

Tuesday, January 21st

From a text I sent my bestie. I haven’t had a normal BMI in a Very Long Time. I know that’s not the end all & be all of good health, but it still felt good hitting that milestone. 

Wednesday, January 22nd 

Dr. M and his Pop. 

Thursday, January 23rd   

I sent this picture to Dr. M. What a pitiful excuse for a croissant top! That sandwich was a little messy to eat.

Friday, January 24th      

Felt cute, and maybe like I might go boot scootin’ later. 

Saturday, January 25th      

Dr. M had breakfast for dinner. Isn’t is pretty? I on the other hand ate a half of a hamburger. Ha!

I finished a crochet square on Tuesday (did I tell you that I’m back to working on the blanket I abandoned two years ago?), but it still needs to be blocked, and I haven’t picked up my crochet hook since then. I’m…indifferently motivated… Is that a thing? Very Meh. I’ll get to it when I get to it. This blanket might be finished by the time we have a new (my mouth to God’s ears) congress in two years. What have you been up to?


  1. Yes, I believe you are ready for some boot scootin'. And in the picture of you in your old/new skirt, if I was an evil old lecher I'd say "nice butt" but I'm not so I won't. You really missed something by not joining in on Dr. M's breakfast/dinner/supper. My mouth is watering just looking at it!

  2. I don't think you look like you have a big head at all. Attitudinally, perhaps, from time to time, but physically you're very nicely proportioned. And kudos for getting into that skirt. I'm sitting here wearing a jacket I couldn't get on for three years because I'd put on too much weight. Now, I not only can wear it, I can comfortably zip it. On the other hand, I need to take myself in hand and get rid of the five pounds that have accumulated since Thanksgiving. That doesn't sound like much, but I think I can feel it. Better to get it off, and then try for the extra five I wanted to lose.

    I really like that jacket you're wearing with the jeans. Very snazzy.

    1. I definitely think I'm the best sometimes - ha! Good luck with the pounds - it's an ongoing struggle.

  3. Love that jacket! I'd wear it all the time.

    I gained five pounds over Christmas, thanks to all the candy I made and absolutely had to eat. Now I'm trying to lose it and maybe another five for good measure. I hate winter weight. That's obviously not your problem! Looking good!

    1. Thank you! I like the jacket too - I should wear it more often! I've put myself on maintenance so I'm trying to hover around the same weight. We'll see how well that goes.

  4. "Boot scootin'" -- now there's a phrase I've never heard before! I love breakfast for dinner, so I'm definitely on board with that, and congrats on the BMI! Woo hoo!

    1. I think HTML tags have changed & I don't know how to do them anymore. But that should take you to the right place.

  5. That's a great jacket and you definitely look good. We went to CostCo yesterday and bought some of their ginormous croissants.


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Nine

I don’t even know what to say here. What can we say?  Sunday, February 23rd       We ended up not having choir practice so I decided to go t...