Sunday, January 12, 2025

2025 Project 365 – Week Two

After several years of nary a flake, we actually got snow in our neck of the woods. Not as much as our northern & western neighbors got, but around four inches. Some of us may have lost our heads, as often happens when there’s a snow event. Dr. M and I, of course, remained calm, cool, and collected. (No really I didn’t wig out or anything!)

Sunday, January 5th       

Today’s sermon made me think of this poem about the underground railroad and the moody sky just seemed to echo it. 

I pulled my hair up to do some housework & thought this was as good a time as any to take a photo of my new penguin toppers. 

Monday, January 6th 

Dr. M says, “Now I’m not suggesting that an angel of the Lord restocked these Toaster Scrambles at the Neighborhood Walmart, or that the Almighty gives preferential treatment to capitalism, but sometimes it feels like a miracle when I find these. I’m sure some probably underpaid and overworked employee(s) did the stocking. But in just doing their jobs, people all along the supply chain made it possible for me to secure Pop’s go to breakfast food for another couple of weeks. Folks, the song that has been playing in my jukebox of a brain is one we sang way back: glory be to God on high, set to the tune of Michael rowed the boat ashore. Hallelujah.”

Tuesday, January 7th

Back to wearing compression socks (and really shouldn’t have stopped wearing them to work) and man I had forgotten what a workout they are to get on!

Wednesday, January 8th  

This used to be a hat (it was too small). 

Thursday, January 9th   

It was 20 degrees when I left for work, but I still felt Daisytastic!

Meanwhile, Dr. M was demonstrating the uses for chain mail on cast iron.

Friday, January 10th      

I finished the hat! It has an opening for a ponytail. 

And we got snow! Dr. M’s dad was like a little kid standing at the door watching it come down.

My view on my (very slow) drive home from work.

Saturday, January 11th      

Birbs in the snow.

We went to lunch with Dr. M’s aunt and cousins. It was a lovely day but this is the only photo I took - of our road as we were heading their way.

I had a rough week in the self esteem department (work stuff), but my physical pain mostly abated, landing in one knee and my shoulder. But my rough week is nothing compared to the devastation in California. I count myself fortunate that my physical needs are so well cared for that I have the bandwidth to worry about self esteem. How was your week?


  1. Sorry about the rough work week. California helps keep things in perspective, but you're allowed to feel whatever you feel as well! I like your "toppers" and the pony-tail hat, though obviously it wouldn't work for me. :)

    1. Thank you! And ha! You could do like my dad & add fake hair to it and wouldn't THAT be a look!

  2. When I was in grade school, we lived across the street from a huge two story house that I learned many years later was a station on the underground railroad. I played a lot with the girl who lived there, and now I wonder if she ever learned the history of the house. I remember her well; she always was jealous that her cats like me better than they liked her.

    I sort of envy your snow, but I have a problem. I don't like the cold. As soon as I figure out how to have snow without cold, you can alert the Nobel Committee.

  3. thercontemplativecat here. You have cardinals as well, which are the most beautiful songbirds of my youth. Seeing cardinals perched on snowy branches is a memory I will not forget.

  4. Sorry about your rough work week. AND THEN SNOW! Ugh. Not fair at all. I'm glad you had some new frame toppers to pull you through it.

    We had a day with Theo on Saturday and that gave us a bright spot. It's so darn cold and snowy here. And windy. January is shitful. It feels small to complain in comparison to the terribleness of Los Angeles, I know. Sigh.

    1. January IS shitful - and February too. And then you feel like March should be better but it's not, and then as we all know April Is The Cruelest Month!

  5. I may have to get me one of those chainmail cast iron thingys.

    When I was being prepped for the angiogram the nurse put (toeless) compression socks on me. She had a little trick. First she put a plastic bag over my foot and leg (maybe a bread bag, I forget). And she put the compression sock on over that and it slid up much easier, then she pulled the plastic bag off my foot/leg.

    1. Ooo - that sounds like a great idea! I might try it.

  6. That first photo is absolutely marvelous!


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2025 Project 365 – Week Nine

I don’t even know what to say here. What can we say?  Sunday, February 23rd       We ended up not having choir practice so I decided to go t...