Sunday, January 5, 2025

2024 Project 365 – Week Fifty-two/2025 Week One

I haven’t felt well this week (again, boo!) and my head is in a weird space (I first typed “spack” & that tells you all you need to know about that. Also, don’t google the meaning of spack because it is VERY RUDE). And also the dryer just dinged & now I have to get up to see if the sheets are actually dry. So it’s just a lot, you know? Back in a sec…

Sunday, December 29th       

The juxtaposition of these two gifts from my longtime friends made me laugh. The angel was commissioned by Kim and she looks like me! And Jenny got me the perfect crochet bag. My friend Sherri also gave me a lovely angel ornament.

Monday, December 30th 

We had high winds and some rain on Sunday, but Monday night was lovely.

Tuesday, December 31st 

Dr. M says: 

They seek him here,

They seek him there,

The other cats

Seek him everywhere!

Is he from heaven?

Or mostly scat?

That damned elusive

Smoky Kat.

(With apologies to that Scarlet Pimpernel movie from yonks ago.)

Wednesday, January 1st   

My nephew Brad and his better half are enabling Dr. M’s cast iron & sheep addictions. Ha!

Dr. M., back to his old moon chasing habit.

Thursday, January 2nd    

Crocheting at work. I was checking out this hat band that I had just seamed together & I had a situation. I don't think the recipient's head is infinity scarf shaped. Oops. Frogging it is!

Friday, January 3rd      

Had one of those female appointments that is such a joy. No issues in that arena though!

That evening Dr. M made beef broccoli stir fry from scratch. It was delicious!

Saturday, January 4th      

It was Greyson’s 4th birthday party & his favorite gift in the moment was an Amazon delivery truck - complete with packages! It was a hoot. And Elliott was his adorable self as usual. 

My sister-in-law showed me the proofs for the books she’d ordered for the boys, using their faces and names. So adorable!

Laundry is continuing. I’m still unwell. Dr. M is still feeding me. May that last one continue through this year. I’ll tolerate the first one (I like doing laundry). I’m ready to kick the middle one to the curb. Does this mean I’m going to move my March doctor’s appointment up sooner? Odds are slim. Am I stubborn? What makes you think that? ANYWAY, how has your new year started?


  1. What's that metal (?) thingie between the two red thingies? I came up with a couple of answers, but I think they both were wrong. I can't quite get over an Amazon delivery truck as a toy, but on the other hand: that may be the perfect humorous birthday gift for a friend who refers to her Amazon driver as her drug dealer. (With good reason, actually. She lives way out on Galveston Island and orders a lot from Amazon; the truck probably shows up every day.)

    I love both slogans on the crochet bag. "Save a Life, Send Yarn" makes me think of my mother.

    1. It's chain mail to use on cast iron (who knew?)!

    2. The red thingies are handle covers for cast iron dutch ovens and such. They are especially useful for stovetop applications like making soup. Chain mail is used to break loose stuborn bits of food on the cookware. Eggs, in particular, like to stick to cast iron that has not yet built up enough seasoning layers.

  2. I'm sorry you feel lousy.

    Those books are awesome. I hope I remember the site when Theo's a bit older.

    1. I thought about you when I saw the books. So cute!

  3. Yoga is supposed to start in earnest today but it may get canceled because it is cold! And people tend not to show up when it's this cold. Sorry to hear you are unwell so kick it to the curb!

    1. I'm doing what I can (or should say, what I WANT to do that might help).

  4. Quiet and calm here. Oh, well, I did struggle through making Chicken Marsala and Pearl Couscous yesterday. I was disappointed but Judy liked it so that's all that counts.


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Nine

I don’t even know what to say here. What can we say?  Sunday, February 23rd       We ended up not having choir practice so I decided to go t...