Saturday, December 28, 2024

2024 Project 365 – Week Fifty-one

Thanks for your lovely comments on the Christmas poem (our 33rd!). I struggled this year, which has frankly been true for a number of years. But the good news is that it’s Dr. M’s turn next year. Woo hoo! 

Sunday, December 22nd       

Feeling just a smidge overwhelmed. Yikes!

Monday, December 23rd 

I was repping my Carolina Hurricanes at work today! At least I got to leave early to go get my 2nd (and last) iron infusion. 

Tuesday, December 24th 

What I threatened to wear to our family Christmas Eve Brunch at Cracker Barrel, and what I actually wore. I posted the jammies on the interwebs and all God’s people said, “DO IT.” But it turns out that Chilly Willy was too chilly so I wore a more traditional outfit. 

I was dismayed to find out that I am (as I long suspected) an eg-no-ra-moose.

I didn’t get any other photos of family, but here are my brother & Dr. M wearing the shades Dr. M got him, and me with my favorite gift of the year (next to the one my friend Jenny gave me - a little pouch that says “I crochet so I don’t choke people - save a life, send yarn.”).

Wednesday, December 25th  

As usual we spent Christmas lunch with Dr. M’s dad. It was a lovely time - and two of his friends stopped by while we were there.

Thursday, December 26th    

Boxing Day!

Ellen Abbott had sent me some snowflakes that her sister Pam crocheted. I was internet friends with Pam too so I was very appreciative. I used three of them as gifts for my friends, and made a garland with the rest. I enjoyed crocheting the little baubles - maybe I have my crojo back!

Friday, December 27th      

Went back to work today. It was Hair Wash day which is a Trial and a Tribulation. I was checking to see if the little bun looked ok. 

Meanwhile, Dr. M was solving a mystery with his Pop: New pants, new shirt, same memory struggles. This afternoon, he told me that some people had visited him earlier and brought him something, but at some point Pop had forgotten what they brought him and now he couldn’t find it. I couldn’t see anything new around the house, but I could tell he was upset with himself, feeling like he had messed up. Finally he remembered that it had been his former coworker who had visited, along with his wife. I asked if they had delivered his meal, which they do once or twice a month, and he practically shouted “that’s what they gave me…my meal! After they left, I ate it. That’s why I couldn’t find it.” He was relieved that he had solved the mystery. So it goes.

Saturday, December 28th      

It was our annual gathering! We think we’ve been doing this for 40 years which frankly does not compute. 

Can I just complain a minute about all the people who are posting about the “liminal” time between Christmas and New Year’s? The Lost Days? The advice to not try to do anything very strenuous? Because Sister has to work every day next week except for New Year’s Day, and while it should be a bit quiet, I still have new hire orientation and data entry to do. Liminal my (slowly diminishing) butt. What would you like to complain about?


  1. Maybe I shouldn't laugh, but that story about Dr. M's dad not being able to remember his gift -- and then remembering that it was a meal he had eaten -- is a classic. I especially appreciate it because (a) I get to hear stories from my cousins about my 96 year old aunt, and (b) every now and then I have my own moments of forgetfulness. Usually it's the keys or phone that's gone walkabout, but that's only because I can't train myself to put the danged things in the same place EVERY TIME!

    I laughed at your interpretation of boxing day, and really like those crocheted ornaments. I have a couple of felted ones a friend made; one is a squirrel and one is a cardinal. They're cute beyond words. Otherwise? It was all weather excitement today: more tornadoes, and much closer to home. I haven't heard of any damage yet, although I suspect there was some, but friends who live in the path of the things are fine.

    I'm ready to get back onto some sort of schedule. I was going to take next week off work 'just because,' but I'm rethinking it. For one thing, I can stand to restart the cash flow, and for another it would be great to know what day it is!

    1. I laughed when Dr. M told me the story - it's funny and poignant at the same time. And yes, I complain about not getting time off between Christmas and New Year, but I'm definitely ready to get back into a routine. I'm naturally a night person but because of my job I have to get up early (my alarm goes off at 6 a.m.). My body is tired of me jerking it around!

  2. I find that the end of every month is Liminal Time for me. For some reason, once it gets to be around the 22nd or so, I start losing track of the date and it feels like the month is taking FOREVER to end. It's not like I'm trying to hurry things, but the end of every month feels...messy to me.

    But it's worse in December. Not for you, obviously. So, you're lucky! 😉

  3. whoa! I always called them the Lost Days but I thought I made it up. the only thing I'm trying to do is finish my painting and finish watching the 6 seasons of The Expanse, only 2 more episodes to go. I've already told you how much I love the garland you made with the snowflakes.

    1. I have things I'd rather be doing than working, but frankly I know that I would just loll around & accomplish nothing useful so I suppose it's just as well.

  4. Oh, that's a bummer, having to work this week! If it's any consolation you're looking good and healthy these days. Poor Dr. M's dad! Memory issues are no fun.

    I like your snowflake garland. I have my Pam snowflakes hanging in our window -- but yours really show up against the black background of the fireplace.

    1. That's actually our TV (we put it in front of the fireplace - the mantel makes a great frame for it). I'd love to leave them there but we're planning to hang them on the wall.

  5. I had to look up "liminal" but fear I am one of those blogging about it recently. And now I don't know what to do about it. Sigh.

    1. That's ok - it's natural, and back when I used to take that week off it applied to me too!

  6. Ha! wash hair day. Some got it, some don't. I am firmly in the "don't" camp as well. The snowflakes are beautiful!

    1. I blow dried my hair today - so annoying & it takes forever & still looks like trash. Ha!


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Ten

I’d like to blame the current administration for the state of my nails, but in fact they break off every year at this time. It’s like they d...