Saturday, December 21, 2024

2024 Project 365 – Week Fifty

 A couple of days have extra photos and I’m not even going to apologize. 

Sunday, December 15th       

It was our anniversary! One of our ministers, my Uncle Frank, passed away last week and it sent me down memory lane. So please indulge me with some a lot of new photos that I don’t think I’ve shared on my blog before (note, yes, I was a scrap booker & was ruthless with the scissors). 

Monday, December 16th 

I had an iron infusion today. There was a basket of crochet caps in the lobby - maybe I should contribute some to it.

I had done a bit of googling before the infusion:

Meanwhile, this is the extent of our holiday decorating this year. It’s a bit of a silly house.

Tuesday, December 17th 

On Sunday I had the bright idea to make a hat for our Dirty Santa at work on Thursday. Here I am doing a fit check.

Wednesday, December 18th  

Today I felt SO MUCH BETTER!!! Most of my random pain was gone, and I had a lot more energy. Maybe the low iron really was the cause of most of my pain. This picture has nothing to do with that, but it’s noteworthy because Dr. M texted it to me while I was driving and when I asked my car to read the text to me it said, “photo of a gray cat on a trashcan” & that blew my mind.

Finished the hat. When I went to take a photo I didn’t remember that I was on selfie mode so I was shocked to see my face. Ha!

Thursday, December 19th    

No photo.

Friday, December 20th      

Dr. M got me flowers! He used the vase that my cousin the potter made. Made me smile.  

Saturday, December 21st      

Random Saturday good things: the orange lily from my bouquet opened up, and Dr. M saw nekkid sheep on his way home from his dad’s. 

Christmas is next week! How did that happen so fast? I think I’m mostly ready - I have to wrap some presents, but that’s it. I do have to work on Monday and Friday, but I have three days off to spend galavanting around and eating with family. I also have another iron infusion on Monday. I’ll probably be insufferable after that. Something for all of us to look forward to!


  1. I'm so glad you're already feeling better! Sign me up for that, too.

    1. Done! Be healed! (I really wish it was that easy for you.)

  2. Your dress was fabulous -- that insert in the train just knocked me out. And I laughed at the license plate. There's always a joker ready to take advantage of whatever's around, like a perfectly respectable license plate. I'm glad the infusion seems to have perked you up. I've never known anyone who had that done, but it makes sense. Out of curiosity, I just looked at a list of iron-rich foods, and it looks like I'm good in that regard.

    1. I've been trying to eat more iron rich foods too - I had definitely gotten out of the habit!

  3. your christmas card came today and I think the poem is the best so far. the iron infusion seems a little extreme. why didn't the doctor just put you on iron supplements?

    1. I'm glad you like it! I've been taking iron supplements for a couple of years now. I don't know if anemia can be hereditary but my mother and my grandmother on my dad's side always struggled with it.

  4. I'm glad the iron infusion appears to be working for you. I like the selfie photo of you.

  5. Happy anniversary, belatedly! I first read your iron infusion as "iron CONfusion," which, well, confused me. But then I figured it out. I'm so glad you're feeling better!

    (Did your license plate really say "LUST" or was that a post-wedding joke? LOL!)

    1. My license plate said OPUSLUST because I was a huge Bloom County fan (the comic strip). Ha!


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2025 Project 365 – Week Ten

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