Sunday, December 15, 2024

2024 Project 365 – Week Forty-nine

It’s our anniversary! I stayed home from church today because we decided to work on our Christmas cards as our anniversary activity. 

Sunday, December 8th       

If you recall, last week I felt terrible on Saturday, but Sunday morning I was back to my usual self. 

Monday, December 9th 

I was completing an online questionnaire for physical therapy (for my shoulder) & was impressed at how “woke” they are. And then I went to my appointment and the person who worked with me starting talking about how terrible vaccines are. You win some, you lose some. (To be fair, my doctor was also concerned that I got both my flu and COVID vaccines at the same time & she thinks my greatly increased muscle/joint pain might be due to that.)

Tuesday, December 10th 

It was a rainy evening in Plateau. 

Wednesday, December 11th  

I have been STRUGGLING with my pants. I know I should just get rid of these and get some that fit, but for now I’m using one of these to at least keep them from dragging on the floor. 

Thursday, December 12th    

Dr.  M says that it’s Daisy’s fault that he eats so many fries - she has a built in frenchfry holder!

Meanwhile we had our service awards luncheon at work. I hit my 5 year mark in April, but we just do these once per year. The Nothing Bundt Cake bundtlet was delicious!

Friday, December 13th      

No photo. 

Saturday, December 14th     

It was my friend Jenny’s annual ornament swap at her church. I had a nice time! Also, I continue to be very short. It's a mystery to me.

I’m having an iron infusion tomorrow which I fully expect to solve all of my problems. I’ll suddenly be pain free, my leg swelling will disappear, I’ll sleep through the night, and I’ll be able to solve work conundrums with ease. If that’s not how it works I do NOT want to hear about it. Ha! What do you have going on this week?


  1. Ha! If that iron in fusion works as you've suggested, I'm going to ask for one for myself. Solving work conundrums sounds particularly good, not to mention sleeping through the night. For some reason, I've suddenly developed a pattern of waking up at 3 a.m. I go back to sleep after maybe ten minutes or so, but still, it's a new pattern that I wonder about. The tables at the ornament swap are gorgeous. My favorite is the red and green -- very festive.

    There's one of those Nothing Bundt Cake places very near to me. I've never tried them, but thought about getting one of the 'bundtlets' to sample. Are they really good? I don't like a dry cake, and I thought they might be dry.

    1. Those cakes are DELICIOUS! Not dry at all. Yum!

  2. What pretty table settings! Someone did a wonderful job at that.

    I continue to mystifyingly short as well. Everyone in the family towers over me (as well as pretty much people in general). If you get a growth spurt from your iron infusion, do let me know!

    1. The ladies "adopt" a table and decorate it. My friend Jenny usually has about three because she is amazing at it.

  3. next time you pt person starts talking about how bad vaccines are tell them to go visit some cemeteries from before vaccines and count the graves of the babies and children that died from diseases that they don't get now due to vaccines.

    the belt did the trick, or you could just get the pants hemmed.

    1. The pants are about two sizes too big - the waist is maybe two inches too big? All I know is I can pull them off without unfastening them. Ha!

  4. I hope the iron infusion has helped!

    1. It has! On Wednesday I could tell I was REALLY feeling better!


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Nine

I don’t even know what to say here. What can we say?  Sunday, February 23rd       We ended up not having choir practice so I decided to go t...