Saturday, December 7, 2024

2024 Project 365 – Week Forty-eight

NC decided that it was winter this week and I was not prepared. But to be fair, when am I ever prepared for winter?

Sunday, December 1st       

Soup & Snoop!

Monday, December 2nd 

My BeReal for the day.

Tuesday, December 3rd 

Dr. M had an appointment to check out some issues with his ear canals. I don’t know why, but apparently he would like to be able to hear me better. 

Wednesday, November 4th  

Baby baby it’s rude outside!

I’ll tell you what - Dr. M’s new cast iron obsession is to my utter benefit - these pork chops were delicious!

Thursday, December 5th    

I had a doctor’s appointment yesterday & got my blood test results back this morning. This seems…not great? Dr. M has been worried that I’m not eating enough protein. I am VERY ANNOYED that he’s right. 

Friday, December 6th      

At my home away from home picking up a prescription.

Saturday, December 7th     

Started off the day feeling pretty terrible so I just left my Christmas jammies on and added Christmas toppers. (I’m feeling better now.)

Remember back a few weeks ago when I said I was going to inventory the Christmas presents I’ve bought? Hahahaha! In my brain I only have one more gift to pick out, but who knows? It’s Christmas roulette over here. After a lot of dithering, I HAVE finished the annual Christmas poem. It kind of sucks, but it’s done! (Actually, it made me cry when I wrote it, which is my litmus test for whether or not it works, but it’s still possibly terrible - another mystery!)


  1. Whether good or bad, it sounds like the poem is effective, which is the main thing. Your blood tests -- yikes! You need to eat better! (No wonder the pork chops were delicious!)

  2. maybe take an iron supplement for a while. I suppose your doctor will recommend it. yesterday was cold and wet. wore my girlie superhero fleece bottoms all day even when I went out at last to feed the outdoor kitties across the street with the pant legs tucked into my rubber boots. very chic!

    1. I've been taking an iron supplement for a couple of years, so I don't think I can up that (I should check though - maybe I can take two per day). My doctor is planning to have me get an iron supplement. I went out to move my car yesterday wearing my jammies - you're right - it's all the rage these days!

  3. I struggle a bit to keep up with healthy eating habits, but it sure has made a difference in my life. I not only have lost weight, I sleep better and don't ache. It makes resisting all the sugar and assorted crap at least somewhat easier.
    Speaking of: that soup looks delicious. I have some frozen stock and plenty of veggies; I just might get a pot of it together myself, since it's what passes for cold around here. I finally turned on the heat just to clear the ducts and test the system, but it's off again now, and with luck I'll make it for a while longer without having to turn it on. I like the $$$ savings! So far my place hasn't dropped below 68F, which is sort of my cut off point. Once it dips lower than that, it's time to let the heat machine do its thing.

    1. Beware of putting too much ancho chili in your soup - Dr. M did that & the only way I could eat it was with plenty of shredded cheese and sour cream. Poor me. Ha!

  4. I have trouble with getting enough protein, too. I've gotten very disinterested in meat overall. I still eat healthfully, but my appetite is diminished and I'd rather eat veg and starches. Not optimal. That soup does look wonderful; I'm due to make some, too.

    Hang in there! I just read that the La Nina winter we were supposed to have is fizzling out, and it just may become a mild one after all!

    1. Oh I hope winter will be warmer than they think! I was just complaining about how cold 54 felt (it's foggy too, so damp). I've turned into quite a whimp!

    2. Um, what is a whimp? Ha! WIMP.

  5. Hope your feeling better and getting your "numbers" into line. Can't imagine your not eating enough protein with all that cast iron cookery going on in your kitchen!


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2025 Project 365 – Week Three

You know, once snow stops falling it’s kind of annoying. Just FYI. Sunday, January 12th        Out back. One of these birds is not like the ...