Sunday, February 23, 2025

2025 Project 365 – Week Eight

Dear America, you are whack  in danger. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen. (I’m going to change this for Lent, which starts March 5th.)

Sunday, February 16th      

Craig & I were matchy matchy so I had to get a photo (he always wears the best clothes). 

Monday, February 17th

No photo.

Tuesday, February 18th

No photo.

Wednesday, February 19th 

We got the cutest little snow!

Thursday, February 20th  

Another fine soup by Dr. M!

The last game of the Four Nations Hockey Tournament was so exciting! (For real though, it was really exciting - it was just past my bedtime.)

Friday, February 21st      

I had to pin my shirt together & just grabbed this one, but I’m not sure how I feel about the one penguin taking a peek down my shirt!

Saturday, February 22nd     

I went through HALF my closet yesterday (it’s ridiculous because I never get rid of anything). I took pictures of the things I wasn’t sure about & sent them to my squad to get their yay and nay. (Ignore the jeans in most of the photos - they’re new & just what I grabbed to put on.)

I still have the other half of my closet to go through - maybe next week. I wonder when we’ll have time to clean out our national closet?


  1. That's a rather weird church you attend. Or is it the parishioners?

  2. Craig looks dapper. His shirt is magnificent, like a celebration itself.

  3. 6 or 7 nays imo. I need to clean out my closets. There's stuff in there I don't and obviously will never wear again.

  4. That's one fine shirt Craig is wearing. Your colors do coordinate, although your outfit's not quite so razzymatazzy. I like the snowflakes draped across your couch; did you make those? I think I remember Ellen having something similar; I do like tatting and such, but I'd never do it myself. I love that lime green shirt you're wearing in one of the photos. That's one of my favorite colors; I used to have a ratcheting screwdriver with a handle in that color. Unfortunately, I dropped it overboard: gonzo.

    1. Those snowflakes were made by Ellen's sister Pam - I just strung them together. Sadly, the lime green shirt was a thumbs down (too big). I love it too! I would wear it with the colorful striped skirt in the second photo. It was also a thumbs down. Ha!

  5. I love Craig's shirt! I'd wear that.

    I don't see any obvious nays in your clothing lineup. Maybe the yellow dress upper right? (Yellow is a hard color for anyone to pull off, IMHO.) Otherwise it all looks good to me!

    1. I get a lot of compliments when I wear the yellow (although I agree that it's a hard color to pull off). My friends think most of the stuff is too big for me now.


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Nine

I don’t even know what to say here. What can we say?  Sunday, February 23rd       We ended up not having choir practice so I decided to go t...