I don’t even know what to say here. What can we say?
Sunday, February 23rd
We ended up not having choir practice so I decided to go to Walgreens to look for I don’t even remember what and rounded the corner and saw this. I couldn’t decide whether or not I was offended.
New banner at church. All of this.
Monday, February 24th
No photo.
Tuesday, February 25th
Dr. M took a lot of photos of birds this week, but I’m only posting a handful. Here’s a female red bellied woodpecker.
Wednesday, February 26th
And here is a red shouldered hawk (probably). He had other photos of the whole thing, but this was my favorite.
Thursday, February 27th
Dr. M got me an early birthday present!
Friday, February 28th
It’s the 8th anniversary of our move down here from Ohio. Dr. M says: Despite the personal and professional loss experienced on Bastille Day, 2016 (this was the day Dr. M found out he was being laid off), and the still real physical and emotional trauma of our final move back home eight years ago on Feb. 28-Mar. 1, we have experienced healing, physically and emotionally, here on Stony Brook. It has been an excellent location for Dana's hip situation, my back situation, and for reconnecting to close family and old friends. Indeed, like our daffies, hope seems to spring eternal in this land of red clay, even in the face of tragedy and loss. I take comfort on this day in the simple joy of daffodils, songbirds, silly mourning doves, and blue skies.
Saturday, March 1st
I was so proud of myself! We had a piece of leftover grilled chicken that I was planning to use to make chicken salad. I don’t really like chunky chicken salad and a) remembered that we have a food processor; b) found the food processor & cleaned it off; c) USED IT; and, d) cleaned it up afterward. The sandwich was delicious.
I was washing dishes and heard the sound of something falling in the floor. Oops!
My birthday is tomorrow, and Lent starts on Wednesday (usually my birthday is DURING Lent, which seems a little rude). I was thinking that I would give up fascism for Lent. Who’s with me?