Saturday, March 15, 2025

2025 Project 365 – Week Eleven

So tonight I painted my nails in a vain attempt to stave off their deterioration. I promise I don’t think about them all the time - I just happened to have two moments of angst on the same day that I wrote a post. Let’s see if next week we can find something different to obsess over to keep our minds off of All The Things. 

Sunday, March 9th     

Met my friend Jenny after church for the last of my birthday hoopla. Since our outfits coordinated I had to have a photo. Then I headed home to check out my other birthday gift from Dr. M. I’m very excited to use it out on the deck this year!

Monday, March 10th

No photo.

Tuesday, March 11th

Dr. M did some very productive deck sitting. 

Wednesday, March 12th 

From the socials: My first bout of deck crocheting of the year feels like the perfect time to tell you about my latest weird dream. Be warned! You might think it’s gross 🤷🏻‍♀️. In my dream I was washing my face, looking for leaks (my iron is low & we don’t know why - I guess I thought I would be able to see the bleeding?). Anyway, I noticed a boil on my neck with a pointy thing sticking out. I pulled on the pointy thing & something popped out. It was a hummingbird! It kept trying to get back into my neck & I figured out it must have had a nest in there with eggs in it. Then I woke up. What in the world.

Thursday, March 13th  

No photo.

Friday, March 14th      

First of all, I wore baggy jeans and a shawl situation to work. 

Then I went by Dad & Sue’s and got a chance to check out the beaver situation on the creek out back. They’ve been working very hard, but it’s hard to get a photo of the dam.

And then I came home and ate the delicious salmon dinner that Dr. M made for me.


Saturday, March 15th   

The way my hair fell out of its clip makes me think I should be doing embroidery or playing whist instead of cleaning the bathroom 😂

I have some big feelings about all the things happening in the world, but in true Enneagram 9 fashion I’m just stuffing them down by reading, crocheting, and playing games on my iPad. What are you doing for your mental health?


  1. It took a second glance for me to see all the little extras on that birthday chair. You could sit for hours in that thing without having to get up. And beavers? You have beavers?! I'm jealous. I know they're around in east Texas, but I've never seen one, or their handiwork.

    Speaking of handiwork, you want a crochet project? How about this? As for mental health, I increased mine considerably yesterday. It was blowing like stink outside, so I stayed in and finished my taxes -- a month ahead of time. I may delay mailing them until closer to the deadline. Tradition, you know.

  2. I'm in serious head in the sand mode.

  3. I think not engaging with the world's insanity is a perfectly acceptable method of self-preservation.

    That salmon dinner looks yummy and I like your "shawl situation"!


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2025 Project 365 – Week Eleven

So tonight I painted my nails in a vain attempt to stave off their deterioration. I promise I don’t think about them all the time - I just h...