I’d like to blame the current administration for the state of my nails, but in fact they break off every year at this time. It’s like they do such a great job of making it through the winter, and then say “nah dawg - we’re done,” when spring is in sight. Rude.
Sunday, March 2nd
Spring training baseball! I look a little maniacal here. Ha!
Monday, March 3rd
My birthday! I had pound cake and banana pudding at work, and Dr. M picked some daffodils for me. And he got me a new vacuum cleaner! I actually asked for it - I was about to throw our other one off the porch. He also got me something else, but you have to wait until next week to see it (it just came today). I also went out shopping with my bestie - it’s been a long time since I had someone in the dressing room with me helping me decide what to buy.
Tuesday, March 4th
I posted a before and after shot - last year’s birthday & this year’s birthday. Even though I know in my head that I’ve lost 63 pounds, I hadn’t really realized what a big difference there was!
Wednesday, March 5th
Ash Wednesday.
Thursday, March 6th
I took today & Friday off from work, and spent some time running errands (dr. appointment, oil change, groceries). Meanwhile, Dr. M spent some time with the cat whisperer.
Friday, March 7th
We had my family birthday party today. It was great spending time with dad & Sue, my brother & his wife. But we all know who the stars of the show were.
Saturday, March 8th
Dr. M came home from checking on his Pop and did some very productive deck sitting!
The time changes tomorrow and while I’m happy about it (team DST forever), I am NOT happy about how long it will take my body to get used to it. How do you feel about DST?
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