Friday, July 27, 2012

2012 Project 365 – Week Thirty

After having a rather desultory week, I’m surprised at the nice variety of pictures we have. Of course, just because I spent the week staring into the middle distance didn’t mean that Dr. M did.
Saturday, July 21st
We spent the evening at the home of one of Dr. M’s colleagues. We had a great time – good food & fellowship. C. took us to visit Wapatomica - a political gathering place for the Shawnee that lived in the area. Here are the two historians by the monument.

And the history widows – heh.

A. has this great blackboard in her kitchen – she had the menu on there so she wouldn’t forget anything.

While she fixed dinner I sat on this chair/stool. It’s just like one we had in my house when I was growing up – except ours was white & black. Made me nostalgic.

Sunday, July 22nd  

Little Rosy.

Monday, July 23rd     
Geese. They’re on the move again.

Isn’t the sorghum pretty? I’m enjoying all its stages – and the birds are too.

Dr. M used the wrong settings for this picture, but I lightened it a LOT & think the effect is pretty cool.

Tuesday, July 24th
The weekly squirrel.

We finally got a nice BIG rain. This was out my window at work.

Much better moon shot!

Wednesday, July 25th   

The State of the Bug – paranoid about possible hair loss. And look at all that gray hair!

Thursday, July 26th       
Chickens! That one in the front made me cackle (Get it? Cackle. Heh).

Dr. M was trying to illustrate how huge this tomato is – that’s a quart jar that it’s sitting on.

Friday, July 27th        
Dr. M saw these lovely flowers.

The Tax Time Pig is being Piggy the Pooh!

Love this toad shot – they like to hang out near the spigot out back.

Go to Sara’s blog here to see the blogs of all the other Project 365 participants. Have a great week!

Most of our photos are taken with a 12 megapixel Nikon D5000 DSLR, using a 55-200mm zoom lens. This is the camera that Dr. M takes with him most days. He also takes pictures with our old reliable 7 megapixel Canon Powershot A710.  The Bug uses our new Nikon Coolpix S6200 most of the time. If you’re interested in which camera was used for a particular shot, just ask! 


  1. I think I'm loving that magical moon photograph. And the fancy chicken, too.

  2. Those are great chickens!

    Have you ever thought about how much storage space must be required for the many variations of the Tax Time Pig? Its owners must have an entire barn devoted to its wardrobe.

  3. I love the sparkly moon. The sorghum in the fields here is being harvested. great pics!

  4. I was thinking about the wardrobe changes for the Tax Time Pig, too. It must keep them busy.

  5. Why are those cows so STERN? Your tomatoes are gorgeous. Mine are small and not very flavourful this year. So disappointing. I hate buying tomatoes when I have plants of my own!

    And what a cute toad.

    We finally, finally got rain as well. Everyone else in NEO got rain last week except us, but we got a nice soaker yesterday and this morning. I am grateful.

  6. Nance,just want you to know that you are loved. We share so much. Sorry about the tomatoes. We're lucky to have these. You and I share a common fondness for cows, toads, etc. May we all get more rain in the days to come.

  7. Love all of the photos. Especially love the white cow with the bird sitting on it.

  8. I'm craving a nice juicy tomato just like that one! :)

    No need to worry about hair loss, you have a nice full head of it. Even if a few strands are going rogue with the gray :)

    Yay for rain!

    The menu your friend listed sounds sooooo good right now. Especially dessert :)

  9. this week, I am jealous of your flowers and your rain!! All my flowers have burned up and I am praying for a deluge of rain!!!

    and I wish I had that few grey hairs!! :)

  10. girl, you don't know gray yet...hahaha!
    love all the flowers...and the birds
    it rained here last night after Midnight, I woke up to go potty and heard tons of water running through our gutters

  11. Love the blackboard idea.
    Piggy the Pooh, awwww. Have you counted the many looks?
    Cute toad.
    Frame the cow pic!
    Do you always have a bouquet of fresh flowers in the house?

  12. i actually really like the sparkly shot of the moon

    I was going to make a remark about your "alien" visa, but i see you got there first!

    That tomato sure does look big

    Nice to see a return of TTP as well, though i'm wondering what his assistants were dressed as now...

  13. DFTP - the pictures I got of Frick & Frack were blurry so I didn't post them - but one had red with yellow trim & the other one had yellow with red trim - very matchy matchy :)

    Oh, and those gray hairs on my head are AFTER I colored my hair - I shudder to think how many there would be if I didn't color at all!


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Seven

Dear America, you are whack in danger. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen. (I might switch this up next week, but so far it still seems...