Thursday, July 26, 2012

I Have a Plan!

I’m not a big bundle of energy at the best of times, but things seem to have hit a new low. Basically, my eyes would prefer to remain closed at all times. And there’s extra gravity. Writing this post is exhausting. [Please note the Drama Queen label on this post.]

But I have a plan!
  • I’m going to try to eat all my recommended fruits & veggies each day.
  • And, although I have managed to walk almost every day, I’m going to add more minutes (probably by walking more often).
  • And I’m going to add a “weight training” activity a few days a week (since I’m starting with 3 pound weights I’m not sure it really counts as actual weight training).
  • And I’m going to try to be in bed by 10:30 each night. It doesn’t matter if the score is tied at the top of the ninth – if it’s 10:30 I’d better be snoozing.
Wow – I feel more energized already! Or maybe it’s the cantaloupe I’m eating right now…


  1. Keep us posted on the results. :)


  2. oh Dana ...don't fade away to a shadow on us all!!

  3. LOL! I had to laugh at "my eyes would prefer to remain closed at all times"! I think my eyes are agreeing with yours....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  4. You're really hanging in there. You deserve to be successful at this, and I hope you get the results you want.

  5. Cantaloupe! Tasty! And absolutely no calories, right?

  6. Good luck with your plans. It all sounds good except the going to bed so early part. I'm a night owl, so can't relate to such an early, and I mean early! bedtime.

  7. I think 3-lb. weights DEFINITELY qualify for weight training. You go, girl!

    (I'm in bed at 10 p.m. each night. I could never make it to 10:30!)

  8. Go for it! I've been working on my fruits n beggies too but rarely make the five. I'm going for upping the average number month-on-month.

  9. Woot Woot!! Next thing you know you'll be doing the clean and jerk :)

  10. Sounds like a good plan! Here's something else to think about. A few years ago, I found out that my thyroid was lying down on the job. (My doctor says it's common among us mature ladies.) After a few days on levothyroxin (an off-patent drug that's cheaper than aspirin), I didn't feel draggy and sleepy all the time--just at bedtime, and other normal times.

  11. My daughter and son-in-law are starting a new diet. I have to find out more about it. Her friend went on it last month and lost 15 pounds. I asked my husband if I lost about 80 lbs and could wear a swimming suit in public if he would take me to an island in the South Pacific. He said yes...ha. Good luck on your plan!


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