Saturday, September 29, 2012

2012 Project 365 – Week Thirty-Nine

I have been having entirely too much fun using PicMonkey to edit my pictures – why I can include ever so many more when I put them in collages! Of course it takes me twice as long to work on the pictures, so this fad may not last forever. Thank goodness I’m only using the free features – if I were paying for a subscription I probably wouldn’t get my P365 posted until Wednesday!
Saturday, September 22nd
A very rare (for us) blue jay.

Robin had talked about getting a pill organizer so I had to show her up with my humongous one.

Mator Nation.

The moon!

Sunday, September 23rd
Our miniature rosebush has just had the best summer & doesn’t show signs of slowing down for fall. Besides this one there are currently around 6 buds getting ready to bloom.

The neighbor’s bird feeder – it’s just as out of control as ours are!

Pinky the geranium.

This squirrel nest blew out of the tree next door – looks comfy, doesn’t it? Heh.

The moon!

Monday, September 24th   
A cow. Staring at Dr. M.

Lovely flowers which the boy next door grew.

The moon!

Tuesday, September 25th
The State of the Bug – pretending I’m Marilyn. I had gotten up early to put Velcro rollers in my hair - & this is the result. See how extra bouncy & curly my hair is? Nah, me either. It was a waste of time. Anyone want some Velcro rollers? I’ll ship them to you free!

Dr. M stopped by a local orchard to get some apples for me & saw all sorts of loveliness – including a bulldog in a car. He makes me smile.

Flowers at home and on Dr. M’s commute.

Our crazy volunteer pumpkin plant.

No moon – it was cloudy.

Wednesday, September 26th   
The moon! (Still cloudy, but it peered out at us for a few minutes).

Thursday, September 27th        
Seagulls at a local park.


No moon (cloudy again).
Friday, September 28th          
Fall in our neck of the woods.

It always amazes me that the little squiggly worm on the left turns into the item on the right (a dish cloth).

Tonight we were supposed to light a candle & pray for a vestry member (they’re on retreat this weekend). I got to pray for my friend Kim!

We enjoyed the fire pit for a little while.

The moon! Not quite full – you’ll see those pictures next week, assuming the cloud cover cooperates.

Go to Sara’s blog here to see the blogs of all the other Project 365 participants. Have a great week!

Most of our photos are taken with a 12 megapixel Nikon D5000 DSLR, using a 55-200mm zoom lens. This is the camera that Dr. M takes with him most days. The Bug uses our new Nikon Coolpix S6200 most of the time. If you’re interested in which camera was used for a particular shot, just ask! 

Wednesday, September 26, 2012


Those trees are wearing
mighty fancy dresses
as they sway to their
slumberous rhythm.
My summer was torpor
and sweat running
between middle-aged breasts.
I waited without patience
for the zing of cool
(which just now as I
write this makes me think
of Greatnanny’s Noxzema).
This morning I shivered
and felt a great awakening
readiness stir within me.
But those trees,
tarted up like ladies
on a street corner,
say your money
isn’t good here –
we’re ready for bed.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Short Stories

Someone whose blog I read used to say that she was telling “short stories” when she wanted to just do a list instead of an entire blog post about one thing. I can’t remember who that was – Ellen? Maybe. Anyway, I like the sound of it instead of Monday Miscellany – but you aren’t fooled. What you’re actually getting is Monday Miscellany.

Last night my dad & I discussed how if we weren’t using cordless phones we could see how I (in Ohio) had given him (in NC) my cold, but since we were using cordless phones we didn’t think I could be the culprit. Then he sneezed three times INTO THE PHONE. And this morning I sneezed three times. Coincidence? I think not!

I did stop sneezing & I don’t think I’m getting another cold. I might, however, be getting autumn.

The other night I was tossing & turning full of foreboding about something. It took me a while to get to the root of the matter – I was worried about money. That made me smile & relax because I’m always worried about money – I was relieved that it wasn’t some new bugaboo. I believe that my constant worry in this area is what keeps us solvent, so it’s nice to know that I was on the job.

Remember this hat

Titus wanted it (!) so I sent it to her & it had quite a trip. Go here and here and here to check out its adventures. A couple of weeks ago I got some nice gifts in return – here is one of them. 

Thanks Titus!

Saturday, September 22, 2012

2012 Project 365 – Week Thirty-Eight

I should be cleaning my house, but I’m working on this post instead. As Bucky cat said when asked to help fold note cards in today’s Get Fuzzy cartoon, “Sorry Robert, I’m not skilled in the ancient art of chore-igami…” So this might be the longest P365 post ever!

Oh, and you should go & check out Dr. M’s latest post if you haven’t already – he uses a lot of pictures that I didn’t use here.

Saturday, September 15th
Squirrel on a wire – and then NOT on a wire. I love how Dr. M captured him leaping into the tree.

Baby pumpkin! I think it looks like one of the Thompson Twins.

The hummingbirds have been so much fun to watch. I love these pictures of them on the wire, and then of course doing what they mostly do, which is eat.

Sunday, September 16th
More hummingbird pictures. I must say that Dr. M made an excellent choice with our hanging basket this year – they love the thing.

Dr. M was taking a picture of the vulture, but I’m including it because the sky is so beautiful.

Monday, September 17th   
A series of pictures where animals stare at Dr. M.

Tuesday, September 18th
I had a friend at work French braid my hair – it lasted for a couple of hours before my slippery hair slid right out again.

Isn’t this the most gorgeous picture? I think it’s my second favorite of the week (my favorite is on Friday).


More animals staring at Dr. M. Heh.

It’s fall!

Wednesday, September 19th   
It was 38 degrees when I left for work on Wednesday. 38!! Rude!

More signs of fall & the gorgeous sky…

The feeders have been quite busy.

The lovely moon.

Thursday, September 20th        
I gave blood today.

Sheep! [Please note the one staring at Dr. M]

Friday, September 21st          
This squirrel is hilarious. He just stood there watching Dr. M take his picture.

I love this picture of a hawk…

But this is my favorite picture of the week – glorious!

Guard Burro staring at Dr. M.

Downy woodpecker next door.

I was doing my church lady duties by setting up the altar for Sunday. This is the cabinet with all the linens I have to use. Someday I really should do some research to find out what they all mean. I have a cheat sheet telling me what to do with them, but what is a purificator, exactly? Not to mention palls, corporals & lavabo towels… 

Go to Sara’s blog here to see the blogs of all the other Project 365 participants. Have a great week!

Most of our photos are taken with a 12 megapixel Nikon D5000 DSLR, using a 55-200mm zoom lens. This is the camera that Dr. M takes with him most days. The Bug uses our new Nikon Coolpix S6200 most of the time. If you’re interested in which camera was used for a particular shot, just ask! 

2025 Project 365 – Week Nine

I don’t even know what to say here. What can we say?  Sunday, February 23rd       We ended up not having choir practice so I decided to go t...