Sunday, April 2, 2017

2017 Project 365 – Week Thirteen

Hot off the press! Dr. M has done another post of our bird situation – you MUST go check it out here. I did finally take a few pictures of the OUTSIDE of our house, but I’m saving most of them for a future post. The inside is still very much a work in progress.
Sunday, March 26th       
This is supposed to be a picture demonstrating that my HAIR IS OUT OF CONTROL. Decisions must be made – cut it, or grow it back out. Cutting it means finding a new hairdresser and then actually making an appointment, and then going to the appointment. Grow it out it is, then!  

Monday, March 27th           
My birthday jellybeans (from March 3). If these had been chocolate they would be but a distant memory by now…

Tuesday, March 28th                              
Different back yard, same silly.

Wednesday, March 29th                    
Chickadee & nuthatch.

The big tree in our back yard. I love this tree & all the birds that come and go on its branches.  

Temperature scarf update.

Thursday, March 30th                      
The only picture I took today. And I don’t even remember why I took it. We’re slowly chipping away at this room. My personal goal is to get to my Gazelle (which you can see propped up against the back wall).  

Friday, March 31st      
We got a new hanging basket & after some heavy rain it left us this present on the porch (which at first I thought was a huge “present” from a bird). Can you guess what it is?

I was mesmerized by the shadow of the penguins on the painting above our bookcase.

The moon!

Saturday, April 1st        
We put out a wind chime that we bought way back about 23 years ago when we lived in the mountains of NC. Plus, cameo appearance by The Bug. Also, we got a couple of more hanging baskets (bougainvillea!) and moved them & the new petunia to the crook in the front of the house.

Yesterday we went to get Daisy a new license plate. We would have gotten the Bugly a new plate too but we COULD NOT find the title. We looked everywhere. Multiple times. We printed out the form to order a replacement title from Ohio. We looked some more (and by “we” I mean Dr. M). And he finally found it – clipped to the back of our 2014 tax information. Um, ok. Well soon the Bugly gets to be a NC resident too. Anyway, back to this picture – I’m amused that I moved from The Birthplace of Aviation to First in Flight. Ha!

How was your week?


  1. Right decision. Short hair needs a hairdresser to style it - and that means time, money, perseverence, patience. There comes a stage in our life when all we want is simplicity.

  2. Ha! About moving from the Birthplace of Aviation to First in Flight. I'm pretty jealous that you live closer to the Outer Banks than I do, and to the place where flight was birthed. So persistent those Wright brother's were.
    Your crook is beautiful, and so are your birds. We are bird lovers, too.
    You must show us another picture of that beautiful tree when it leafs out.
    I want me sum of them jelly beans.
    That's an upside down petunia bloom, isn't it?

    1. I don't know - I think you might still be closer than we are. It would take us 6 1/2 hours to get to Kitty Hawk.

  3. Monday/Tuesday... I am the same. Those jelly beans would be history if they were chocolate!!!
    Tuesday.... I commented on J Michael's post about these visitors... Nothing could be finer
    Wednesday.... Lots of trees out back and that beautiful big one. Great stuff!! Love your scarf!
    Thursday ... This room will be a cozy place once you get it organized. The crook in the front of your house looks inviting.
    Friday..... I guess a petunia that broke off... yes the penguin shadows are indeed mesmerizing. It wouldn't be Rhynes blog without the moon.
    Saturday.... Searching for stuff once I have moved in makes me crazy.
    Now that you are back in NC you will both be flying high!! Soaring !! Thanks for sharing.

  4. I think your hair always looks great.

  5. I love jelly beans but especially the black ones.

    1. Then we are a match made in heaven - I hate the black jelly beans. Ha!

  6. I've always wanted to see Kitty Hawk, NC but it is seriously off in the boonies. I actually began planning a trip there once but was surprised tom discover how long it would take to get there from my South Carolina location.

    1. It is truly a geographical is stunning how far out into the Atlantic the OBX juts. It is an all-day drive from here.

  7. and so now you have two license plates on the back of your car?

  8. Bougainvillea! So tropical for NC! I like your backyard tree, too -- it definitely looks like a hive of activity!

    1. It reminds me of our trip to Barbados, and Dana of Africa. We needed something like that! I read that you can winter it inside, as it goes dormant and doesn't need sunlight, unlike geraniums.

  9. I like the colors you're going with for your temp blanket!

  10. How long is that scarf going to be?

    1. Nearly 7 feet! Which is why it's kind of skinny, so it's not so huge to wear. Oh who am I kidding - it will still be huge!

  11. The shadow of the penguins looks a bit like dolphins are jumping into the picture!

    I love your hair short, but you look great no matter what length your hair is. Sadly, I have to stick to short hair. Never would have the patience to let it grow out.

    1. They do! It was pretty cool. I'm leaning toward a cut now. Or I might trim my bangs myself. Who knows! I sure don't :)

  12. Love the varied ceramics.
    Very cool penquin shadows. i thought it was part of the painting at first!
    Beautiful huge tree.
    Lovely veiw of the wind chimes and hanging plants!

  13. I feel all at home now that I've seen a squirrel. I'll be there are one or two that live in that humongous tree. That's a beauty -- I'll bet it's gorgeous in summer. I really like the colors of the temperature scarf, too. Those are some of my favorite colors. I think it will be gorgeous when it's done.

    1. We can't wait to see what the tree will look like once it's leafed out - although we will miss seeing the birds on its branches. Oh, and you'll love the squirrel in this week's post - ha!


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Ten

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