Wednesday, December 20, 2017

2017 Project 365 – Week Fifty

Last week’s pictures are pretty boring, but life has been hectic which is why I’m just now working on this post.
Sunday, December 10th           
Early morning choir practice – it was cold ya’ll!

I delivered Poppy to a very happy little girl.

I made a very weird hat. I was using up the last of a skein of yarn & the color changes look sort of odd on this small project. Also, the hat turned into a cloche instead of a beanie. Ha!

Monday, December 11th                       
Had dinner with my cousin & made her help me eat an Oh My Chocolate custard concrete. Yum!

Tuesday, December 12th                                        
For reasons unknown to me, I agreed to make some more Poppy hats. Therefore, bunches of troll ears.

Wednesday, December 13th                                
No picture!

Thursday, December 14th                             
A company called me for a job interview! I borrowed a jacket from Sue, and a pair of shoes from my sister-in-law, because I apparently gave away all my professional clothes.       

Friday, December 15th                     
Our 27th anniversary! Also, job interview day. The interview went well (full disclosure – they called for a second interview on Monday, I had the interview today, and they offered & I accepted the job! I start on January 2nd).

Saturday, December 16th                         
These trolls are taking over my life – today we had an eye assembly line going on. Also, I kind of like the hair before I brush it out. 

REPEAT FROM LAST WEEK: I’m still behind on reading blogs. I think we’re just going to have to accept that at this point I’ll probably read them (I’m too nosy to not read them) & not comment until I get caught up.

How was your week?


  1. Both the girl and the hat look lovely.
    Good Luck with your new job!

  2. Holy batman job search...were you trying to set some records for finding a new job? Well, you certainly did it! Congratulations! You'll have to share some details, like where, what, and what you'll be doing.

    I have no idea what custard concrete is or why it would be called that, but I'm pretty sure I need some.

  3. Hey I just read that Al Franken's last day in the Senate is, wait for it. January 2nd. Does that mean you're the new U.S. Senator from . . . oh, uh . . .minnesota. Guess not. Congratulations on the new job though.

  4. So excited for your new job!!!! That's so exciting to start a new year with!

  5. See? See!? SEE?!?! No reasonable employer in the world would let you dangle out there in Unemployment Land. Congratulations -- what a nice Christmas gift! You look darned professional in that jacket, too -- great photo. It's probably good that you didn't wear one of the troll hats to the interview, although they're darned cute, too.

  6. Congratulations on your new job...wonderful news!! Can't wait to hear about it. Also, HOW is it so cold there?!?

  7. So glad you have a New Job! Are you telecommuting again, or do you have to Show Up in Real Work Clothes?

    1. I do have to show up in real clothes - BUT they are very casual there so jeans will be ok. Having to wear pants that button is a Good Thing because I'll be less inclined to stress snack. Maybe.

  8. My favorite is the cloche! And love the colors.
    And great professional look! Only 10 days of freedom left. Enjoy!


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