Friday, December 8, 2017

2017 Project 365 – Week Forty-eight

Obviously, last week’s news about my job has put me in a bit of a tailspin. I’m quite behind on reading blogs, and my plan to get our Christmas cards out fell by the wayside (mainly because I’m in charge of the annual poem and as you might imagine the words I’d like to write aren’t exactly family friendly). However, life does continue to move along and some fun and fabulous things happened this week.
Sunday, November 26th         
Still at the beach. I actually got out there & walked. I thought I’d be cold & didn’t actually bring anything to wear to walk on the beach, but it turned out that these shoes worked just fine.

While I was walking, Dr. M was scoping out dolphins!

Our view really was quite lovely.

Monday, November 27th                       
We meandered home today, stopping for a bit at the Caswell Beach Lighthouse, which was decorated for the season.

Tuesday, November 28th                                        
Dr. M started decorating for Christmas! (Please note, this theme continues for the rest of the week.)

Wednesday, November 29th                                
After I got my job news on this day I thought I might bail on cantata choir practice, but I decided that a change in work didn’t have to affect the rest of my life (especially since the change isn’t happening until the end of December). I was waiting for the choir to finish their Sunday music practice & was photobombed by Jesus!

Thursday, November 30th                             
I was trying to pick out a button for a crochet project. “Here’s a nice one. Oh, I like this one even better! Or maybe this one.” Yep. Far as I can tell, these are all EXACTLY ALIKE. #crochet #superobservant

Dr. M put a wreath on the door & added one of our deep purple bows (I love purple & red at Christmas).

Friday, December 1st                    
I finished a crochet project. I’m playing around with making labels – not sure this is the final design. Also, after a comment on Facebook about the care instructions, I added the addendum. Ha!

That evening I went with Daddy & Sue to see a local production of Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. It was fabulous! One of our church members was the lead character, and one of my high school friends was the Baroness (hilarious because if you’ll recall, the Baroness hates children and my friend is a local elementary school principal).

While I was out galavanting, Dr. M finished decorating outside.

Saturday, December 2nd                        
Saturday morning I went to a Prayer Sister’s brunch at church. The food was great & the group of ladies was great! And it was especially nice to spend time with my BFF.

That evening, Dr. M started putting lights on the tree. First he just put the boxes on there, and then he just sat the bundles of lights on there. He’s a nut.

THEN he did it correctly. We love the effect in the windows.

I have applied to one job, and I know that I need to start working harder on getting a new position, but… well, hopefully I’ll get it in gear & get my resume out there to a few other places. Or maybe I’ll get the one job I’ve already applied for. Ha! What are you trying to get done this week? 


  1. I like that you don't let the loss of your job dictate the rest of your life! The plate of food from Saturday looks delicious. I'm hungry now...

    I'm trying to catch up to your level of decorating. At least we have the tree up and decorated. I'll do some cleaning and a little more decorating this weekend. The tree in the corner with the windows is genius. Love all the reflections!

    Good luck on the job search! Sometimes it takes a long time, and sometimes it can happen so quickly it'll make your head spin.

  2. Looks like a quiet day at the beach. Not many people out and about.

  3. Your attitude is commendable. You have faith and friends and a good man beside you, so I'm confident if anyone can bounce back, it will be you. Merry Christmas! :)

  4. The tree lights look beautiful. That spot was made just for a Christmas tree.

  5. hope the job hunt is quick and painless. and when I first looked at the pink triangle I thought you were crocheting a bikini. you know, for your trips to the beach.

  6. This week, I'm trying to get everything done I haven't done for the last two weeks. Christmas cards. Tree. Figuring out decorations for a potluck. (Why did I volunteer?) Today, in lieu of all that, I cleaned out the cupboard above the refrigerator and searched for two hours until I finally found two pair of winter work pants that seemed to have gone walkabout. I need a little Christmas. :-)

  7. A beautiful tree, friends, and I know
    that with your skills and your sense of humor and self, nothing will stop you in the new year. Enjoy your holidays!

  8. I love empty beaches! Good luck with the job search.


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