Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Couple of Words Wednesday

I know - I'm overdue with my Project 365 post, & I promise I'll get to it by the end of the week, but for now you are getting a pelican from our beach trip. Enjoy!



  1. All in a day's work. Their eyesight must be spectacular.

    1. I know! And how they can see something swimming below the surface of the water. Amazing!

  2. I always get a kick out of them flying in the air - they look like boats!

  3. I love the pelicans. They make for great entertainment when I'm at work, especially if I'm working along a channel that's heavy in fish. Our white pelicans have arrived for the winter -- they bring a different kind of white Christmas, but it's fun.

    1. I'll bet it would be fun to watch a group of them together!

  4. they almost got wiped out down on the gulf coast due to some poison the government finally banned and made a spectacular recovery.

    1. I'm glad they made a comeback - it would be a sad world without pelicans!

  5. A wonderful bird is the pelican.

    His bill can hold more than his belican.

    He can hold in his beak

    Enough food for a week,

    But I’m damned if I see how the helican.

    (by Dixon Lanier Merritt, editor of "The Tennessean")


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