Monday, January 29, 2018

2018 Project 365 – Week Four

January has lasted forever; yet, conversely, it has plumb flown by. Frankly, I’m getting a little sea sick!
Sunday, January 21st             
I’ve been continuing to sing our Christmas cantata to warm up my voice on the way to the nursing home on Sundays. I figure I already know all the words… And, really, shouldn’t we keep Christmas in our hearts all year long? No?

Monday, January 22nd                         
I didn’t participate in Moogly’s 2017 afghan crochet along, but I suffered withdrawal pangs & decided to make a blanket this year. This will be my 8th Moogly afghan!

Tuesday, January 23rd                                           
My question to Facebook: Is it just me, or do these glasses make me look nerdlier than usual? Or maybe it’s the fashionable hairstyle. 

Wednesday, January 24th                                 
I wore a SKIRT, and PANTYHOSE, and HEELS to work for an important meeting that got rescheduled for Friday. On Friday I wore jeans. Ha!

Thursday, January 25th                               
The moon!

Friday, January 26th                       
I found the perfect place to stash a Dr. Pepper flavored jellybean! (Full disclosure – the jelly bean rattled when I walked so I ate it about 5 minutes after taking these pictures.)

Saturday, January 27th                           
Go State! (They won!)

Shoreacres sent me two boxes of yarn that her mother had. I was very excited, but then I figured out that the yarn is embroidery yarn & most of it is in 35 inch sections. Never fear – Magic Knot to the rescue! I’m creating skeins of yarn that will have knots in it, but that won’t matter for the project I have in mind. Can’t wait to get started on it!

I went shopping yesterday for new shoes and/or pants (I’ve lost a bit of weight & my pants are dragging on the ground). I went to precisely TWO stores & got disgusted & came home. Shopping is not my super power. What super power do you not have?

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

2018 Project 365 – Week Three

I just about totally forgot to do this post – and I know you’ve been waiting anxiously eagerly patiently for it.
Sunday, January 14th            
Our church has been putting together bags to give homeless folks. This display is in the lobby.

Monday, January 15th                        
Went out to dinner with Daddy & Sue & her family. This is my attempt to get a picture of my brother & his family. You can sort of see my brother’s nose, my sister-in-law is ignoring me, and my niece is NOT amused. Made me laugh.

Tuesday, January 16th                                          
Another week, another beanie…

I keep trying different facial expressions, but I keep getting the same result in this Google Arts & Culture app. We have the same nose & eyes I guess.

Wednesday, January 17th                                 
The Day of the Snow! We actually got around 6 inches and my crazy self had to prove my Ohio cred by driving to work. Daisy handled all that snow like a champ!

Thursday, January 18th                               
Seed-faced birds.

Friday, January 19th                       
The moon!

Saturday, January 20th                           
The Christmas Opus has been put away and Yuppie Opus has taken his place.

After snow-opolus I’ve decided that I’m ready for spring. How about you?

Sunday, January 14, 2018

2018 Project 365 – Week Two

It’s the second week of the new year, and I am just trying to hunker down & make it through without losing my mind over our inane & terrifying president. Biggest sigh ever.
Sunday, January 7th            
The penguin hat made its first appearance of the year. Like most of the country, we were in the deep freeze for parts of the week. In fact, our average temperature for today was 18 degrees!

The birds are very appreciative of Dr. M!

Monday, January 8th                        
Return of the Duck.

And the person who has been training me at work LEFT ME ALL ALONE.

Tuesday, January 9th                                          
Icy river. Tell me again, we did move to North Carolina, right?

Wednesday, January 10th                                 

Twins – right?

Thursday, January 11th                               
The only picture I took today – I was pointing out some weird thing my hair was doing.

Friday, January 12th                       
Frankly, these things are pretty scary to me. I’m glad to be finished with my “Poppy Troll Period.”

Saturday, January 13th                           
My super nutritious lunch.

Dr. M started packing up my office equipment to send back to my former employer. I was feeling a bit sad, but then he used penguin duct tape to seal it. Hahahaha!

Another week, another beanie.

Although the things that I'm anxious about haven’t changed yet, I’m feeling much calmer this week. I think it helps that I feel like I can do a good job in my new position. That’s really the only thing I can control, so I’ll focus my energy there.

On another note, I had two New Year’s resolutions this year: 1. Drink more water, and 2. Go to bed earlier. I am doing a TERRIBLE job with both of them! I don’t know about the water (I haven’t counted), but my Fitbit tells me I’ve been getting around 6.5 hours of sleep per night during the week. Did you make any resolutions? How are you doing with them?

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

2018 Project 365 – Week One

The first week of work at my new job went pretty well. At the end of the first day I was exhausted – after nine months of working from home, I had forgotten how much energy it takes to leave the house & work for eight hours. Although I love what I’m doing, I have some concerns about whether it will be a long term position for me. But I’m very hopeful!

Sunday, December 31st            
Another week, another hat! I think my model is a cutie patootie.

I went to a New Year’s Eve party! I played ping pong for the first time in FOREVER. My parents were great ping pong players (well, I’m sure my dad still is), so we played a good bit while I was growing up.

Monday, January 1st                       
I took a tumble in the living room & this was my view. I am so graceful. (I was a bit sore the next day, but no lasting injuries.)

The moon!

Tuesday, January 2nd                                         
My first day of work! It was a wee bit chilly.

About 10 minutes after I took that picture I realized that my tire was flat. I called Dr. M & he came & rescued me – sent me on to work in his car while he changed my tire. In 9 degree temps. I wasn’t even late! He is my knight in shining Carhartt!

Wednesday, January 3rd                                 
The critters around here are appropriately fuzzy.

Thursday, January 4th                               
Throwback Thursday: 1989’s big hair.


Friday, January 5th                       
No picture. What. The. Heck.

Saturday, January 6th                           
I wanted to wash the lamb butter dish, but it had butter in it, so I improvised. #mcgyver

Last year’s Christmas socks. Even though I posted this on Instagram, no one has brought me any yarn yet. Sad.

I have a lot of anxiety about the future right now. It will take a while to feel really in control at my new job. Our financial situation is potentially tenuous (we're fine right now). I have a mammogram scheduled for next week (I don’t expect any issues, but I’ll feel anxious until it’s over). I’m also feeling really angry about how my life was upended. I think I need to download that app that makes you breathe. Or dive into a pint of Ben & Jerry’s Phish Food. Either one.

What do you do when you’re stressed?

2024 Project 365 – Week Forty-two

Old Business: Reader, I did have a fever (100.6), but felt much better on Sunday.  New Business: Reader, I woke up Monday morning with both ...