Tuesday, January 9, 2018

2018 Project 365 – Week One

The first week of work at my new job went pretty well. At the end of the first day I was exhausted – after nine months of working from home, I had forgotten how much energy it takes to leave the house & work for eight hours. Although I love what I’m doing, I have some concerns about whether it will be a long term position for me. But I’m very hopeful!

Sunday, December 31st            
Another week, another hat! I think my model is a cutie patootie.

I went to a New Year’s Eve party! I played ping pong for the first time in FOREVER. My parents were great ping pong players (well, I’m sure my dad still is), so we played a good bit while I was growing up.

Monday, January 1st                       
I took a tumble in the living room & this was my view. I am so graceful. (I was a bit sore the next day, but no lasting injuries.)

The moon!

Tuesday, January 2nd                                         
My first day of work! It was a wee bit chilly.

About 10 minutes after I took that picture I realized that my tire was flat. I called Dr. M & he came & rescued me – sent me on to work in his car while he changed my tire. In 9 degree temps. I wasn’t even late! He is my knight in shining Carhartt!

Wednesday, January 3rd                                 
The critters around here are appropriately fuzzy.

Thursday, January 4th                               
Throwback Thursday: 1989’s big hair.


Friday, January 5th                       
No picture. What. The. Heck.

Saturday, January 6th                           
I wanted to wash the lamb butter dish, but it had butter in it, so I improvised. #mcgyver

Last year’s Christmas socks. Even though I posted this on Instagram, no one has brought me any yarn yet. Sad.

I have a lot of anxiety about the future right now. It will take a while to feel really in control at my new job. Our financial situation is potentially tenuous (we're fine right now). I have a mammogram scheduled for next week (I don’t expect any issues, but I’ll feel anxious until it’s over). I’m also feeling really angry about how my life was upended. I think I need to download that app that makes you breathe. Or dive into a pint of Ben & Jerry’s Phish Food. Either one.

What do you do when you’re stressed?


  1. I drink. Come to think of it, I drink no matter what the stress. Dana-bug, you are blessed. No matter what the stress, you will persevere. You and the M are among my favorite humanoids and you are both survivors. Keep on keepin' on, you will come out on top.

    1. Cheers, my friend! There may come a day...but not THIS day!

  2. What do you do when you’re stressed?

    If possible I head down t my favorite park in Charleston. If I can't leave town submerge myself in a series of DVDs or a subject on The Great Courses Plus website.

    1. We've been watching Harry Potter again! Always something new to learn/discover, even in the films.

  3. When I am stressed I like to undo what is causing the stress and relax a little more. I need to remember not to panic and just fix the stress. I am sending prayers that your new employment works out. In the Todd Spears picture where you are sitting on the sofa Bug, you look beautiful. I think it is so sweet that your love fixed the car for you too. Happy New Year to you and your family and friends.

  4. new jobs are stressful but I know you will settle into it and make that place yours.

  5. Stress is a Killer. Like Catalyst above, sometimes only a good wine will untie those knots for me.

    That tire was more than just flat! Yikes.

    1. That was one dead tire. Got two new ones on her front (front-wheel drive) and kept the two best of the others on back. Glad she didn't drive any further than she did, and lucky we didn't have to replace the rim!

  6. Happy New Year!

    Starting a new job is stressful, no bones about it. Don't worry about whether this is a long term job for you or not - just work there until you know it's not. At some point you'll know, and if it's no longer a good match, you'll find something else. A job is not like a marriage - it's more like dating. No obligations.

    Stress? I eat chocolate or go for walks. Or both.

  7. Stress? I go to sleep. I haven't found anything yet that a little nap or a good long sleep won't take care of -- and sleep has taken care of a few biggies. Of course, I have no trouble sleeping, and never have. Lay down, close eyes, wake up. That's me.

    I went through high school playing ping pong in our basement with my friends. Great memories, despite that pink and charcoal tile floor. It was the sixties. Glad the tire episode didn't mar your first day. I don't have a Knight, but I have AAA -- with towing!

  8. Is it really true that I haven't been commenting?
    What do I do when I'm stressed?
    Hmmmm. . . I waste time, I'm unproductive, I try to pray, . . . I get a lot of muscle tension!


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Seven

Dear America, you are whack in danger. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen. (I might switch this up next week, but so far it still seems...