Wednesday, January 24, 2018

2018 Project 365 – Week Three

I just about totally forgot to do this post – and I know you’ve been waiting anxiously eagerly patiently for it.
Sunday, January 14th            
Our church has been putting together bags to give homeless folks. This display is in the lobby.

Monday, January 15th                        
Went out to dinner with Daddy & Sue & her family. This is my attempt to get a picture of my brother & his family. You can sort of see my brother’s nose, my sister-in-law is ignoring me, and my niece is NOT amused. Made me laugh.

Tuesday, January 16th                                          
Another week, another beanie…

I keep trying different facial expressions, but I keep getting the same result in this Google Arts & Culture app. We have the same nose & eyes I guess.

Wednesday, January 17th                                 
The Day of the Snow! We actually got around 6 inches and my crazy self had to prove my Ohio cred by driving to work. Daisy handled all that snow like a champ!

Thursday, January 18th                               
Seed-faced birds.

Friday, January 19th                       
The moon!

Saturday, January 20th                           
The Christmas Opus has been put away and Yuppie Opus has taken his place.

After snow-opolus I’ve decided that I’m ready for spring. How about you?


  1. Look at all that snow!

    When I lived in South Carolina, we had snow-covered cars once when leaving work - and I was the only one who had a snow brush in the car. It was still in the trunk from my Buffalo days (like three years earlier). People were willing to pay me for its use...ha!

  2. I've been ready for spring since out first dip into the 20s. the birds sure are. love the Cheshire Cat moon.

  3. Looks like you're not missing much from your Ohio Days! We've been on a Weather Rollercoaster--had a 61 degree day one day this week, then rain, then sleet, now back to 20s and a bit of snow. But back up to 40s and 50s for the weekend...or so they say! I AM OVER IT. Two months to go.

  4. That's funny you kept getting the same artwork.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Trying again: You are one amusing Carolinian. (You are in Carolina, aren't you?)

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I had an Opus once, it was a gag gift from my wife. I believe my son gave it to his first girlfriend.

  9. That is a flat lot of snow. I hope it's gone now. We're even hoping for spring here, given the colder and icier than usual winter we've had. But, I just read the ten day forecast, and it doesn't look like there are freezing temperatures out there, so maybe the worst is over. I adore that cardinal flag with the snowy background!


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Seven

Dear America, you are whack in danger. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen. (I might switch this up next week, but so far it still seems...