Monday, January 1, 2018

2017: A random review

  • We moved to NC in March and are so glad that we're here! 
  • In May I had to start using a walker & had my second hip surgery in August, AND IT WAS A MIRACLE!!! You should have seen me running around at my nephew's wedding (IN HEELS) on Saturday, or playing ping pong on Sunday night. So so very thankful.
  • I read 72 books in 2017. I used to post a monthly list of the books that I read, but I since I mainly read series books it was getting a little boring. But I like reading other people's lists, so maybe in 2018 I'll just post stand-alone books.
  • I didn't participate in the Moogly Crochet-Along in 2017, but I am feeling antsy & I think I'm going to make two blankets in 2018. 
  • Friday was my last day at my old job & that morning I tried to log in to do the handful of final tasks I'd allotted for the day & found out that they'd terminated me early. Oops! I still did a conference call, and later in the morning they got it sorted out so that I could log in. Then I clocked out early to go to my nephew's wedding rehearsal. It was such a weird day - very anticlimactic. However, onward!
  • I start my new job tomorrow. Better go pack my lunch!


  1. Good luck on your first day tomorrow!!!!!

  2. the walker thing aside, some good stuff came your a brand new hip, brand new job, and brand new living digs!

  3. Here's to a Great 2018 with lots of happiness.

  4. Just thinking about you, and hoping the first day went well. I can't wait for a report!

  5. Good luck with the new job. I hope it's rewarding.

  6. Best of luck to all of us in 2018. I'm still awestruck how fast you found the new job!


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