Saturday, May 12, 2018

2018 Project 365 – Week Eighteen

Editorial Note: My Aunt M turned 79, not 80. I apologize for the inadvertent advancement of her age.
Here I am, nearly another week behind in posting my pictures. I had more energy this week – I’m getting used to my new schedule – but I decided to read and play games and crochet instead of blogging.
Sunday, April 29th                   
Sunday selfie – road trip with my sweetie.

That evening I drove him to the top of our hill…

So he could take this picture – the moon!

Monday, April 30th                            
Dr. M planted a rosebush for me! And changed our flag.

Tuesday, May 1st                                               
It was a lovely day.

Wednesday, May 2nd  
Last year’s bee waterer cracked over the winter, so we replaced it with a plastic tub. But I don’t think these are bees, are they?

Thursday, May 3rd    
Birds in our backyard.

Heavily edited, & not the best pictures, but Dr. M was so excited to see a Rose-breasted Grosbeak.

Friday, May 4th                             
I went to the dentist to get a root canal and once again I was denied. The tooth is probably broken, so I need to have it pulled instead.

While I was being annoyed at the dentist office, Dr. M was planting another rosebush!

Saturday, May 5th                                  
Our peonies finally bloomed!

Another square pattern, in my single color colorway.

The season of rain is past & now the season of growin’ & graduatin’ begins!

I have every intention of posting this week’s pictures in a much more timely fashion. Every intention. Yup. What stories are you telling yourself this week?


  1. I'm sorry to hear about the tooth. That's a drag. Interesting birds!

  2. I share the Professor's excitement re: the Rose-breasted Grosbeak! I almost fell over when I saw one by our pond about 10 years ago. Actually, I do think I cried. And I haven't seen one since!

    How is that fair?

  3. My daughter has a root canal scheduled for June 6th. The assessment appointment was today and the dentist wanted to do it right then but she freaked. Don't blame her really, I've had one root canal and while not really painful, I plan on being fully knocked out if another comes my way.

  4. My peonies did not bloom this year. I don't know why. They bloomed last year. Boo Hoo! Your roses are pretty. It's very romantic when a man plants flowers for you. I think so anyway. They are worth ten bouquets from a florist.

  5. I've had an appointment where the dentist said, "It'll be either a root canal or an extraction." It ended up being an extraction...

    You're doing OK being only a week behind. I'm almost three weeks behind. I'm telling myself I'll get better - ha! *Loud laughter*

    Love the roses and peonies!

  6. The variety of birds you have just knocks me out. Of course, if I had a yard and bird feeders, I might have more. Honestly? I love the brown thrasher as much as any of them. I don't know why, except that I've always enjoyed hearing them kick through the leaves.


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

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