Friday, May 18, 2018

2018 Project 365 – Week Nineteen

Hey look – I’m doing my post a full day earlier than I did it last week. Why, by October I might actually be timely!
Sunday, May 6th                   
Our peonies were gorgeous!

I’m always interested in how the bud of a flower is often a totally different color than the open flower.

Another square, in the blue, black, & grey color scheme (obvs.).

Sunday Selfie. I wore this to church & was trying to decide whether or not to wear it to work the next day. It’s a bit outside my comfort zone – purchased for our 25th anniversary cruise, actually. I decided to go ahead & wear it.

Monday, May 7th                            
I came home from work & Sunny had acquired this terribly cute bird bath! And then it has proceeded to rain pretty much every day since. Ha!

Tuesday, May 8th                                               
Another day, another square…

We have a regular United Nations of birds going on here. Clockwise, from the top right: Grackles, Tufted Titmouse, Carolina Chickadee, Brown Thrasher, Mr. and Mrs. Cardinal, Eastern Phoebe, Doves, and a very rare Bunny Bird!

Wednesday, May 9th   
We had someone come to mow at work & he nearly fell down this bank, so I took a picture to send to a landscaper friend (hi David!) to see what we could do here that doesn’t involve mowing or weed eating (or round-upping). Then I forgot to send the picture to my friend. Oops.

Thursday, May 10th     
I did the 10 pictures on the 10th of the month thing! Except I only took 8 pictures. And I never posted them. So, here they are instead. Clockwise from top right: 1. I arrived at work (my hair is a bit bushy these days); 2. I went out into the plant to find the system that runs the buzzer telling folks when to go on breaks & then I took a picture so I could remember what brand it was; 3. I spent pretty much the rest of the day reconciling payments made on one particular account; 4. I finally remembered to park under the awning so my car wouldn’t be so hot; 5. You can see how well that worked out for me – had to dash out there at the end of the day in the pouring rain; 6. Went home & crocheted; 7. And watched baseball; 8. And got ready for bed. Very exciting day!

Friday, May 11th                             
I saw this in the plant & decided that it was just fabulous. First of all, go Casper! We shall not bother you and your machine! And next of all – if you look closely you can see that at some point someone added an “s” to the “he” in the last line. Feminism in the machine shop – excellent!

Saturday, May 12th                                  
Today we went to a birthday party for Dr. M’s aunt, who actually did turn 80 (unlike my aunt who is still 79). Any occasion that calls for cake is an occasion I can get behind. Happy birthday Judy!

My main concern at this point is when will it stop raining long enough to mow my grass? What are you worried about this week?


  1. You look fantastic in that long dress! I wear jeans or khakis or capris to work, most of the time with gym shoes. We're very casual...

    At some point on the 10th I thought about doing a 10 on 10, and then I realized - who am I kidding, I'm way too behind with my normal posts.

    Wait 'til you see my next post (whenever I do catch up), then you'll understand why it's been raining so much.

  2. I'm worried about when we're going to get some rain. If you people would stop hogging it, we might not be hovering on the edge of brown grass-dead flowers-early drought! I like your cruise dress -- very attractive. As for that hill that needs a little something, the word(s) of the day are: ground cover.

  3. Oh - and I love your peonies. My grandmother and mother had beautiful ones. My grandma always called them "pine-ees".

  4. We had someone come to mow at work...

    I casually mentioned to my wife the other day about contracting a lawn care service to mow our yard. Her laughter at my suggestion was equally casual but tainted with just a hint of ridicule at the idea.

  5. The variety of birds this year is really something. Are you getting a lot more, and more different ones? We are, and I'm having a ball.

  6. I'm worried about whether this will be the $#$%^ Texas summer that finally does me in. So you control the lunch/break buzzer at work? WOW! Don't let all that power go to your head. ;)

  7. Love the peonies. (My mother used to raise them.) Love the bird bath. (I'm partial to bird baths.) And that dress!!!! (I'm partial to beautiful women.) You must have been a stunner at church.

  8. Great garden ideas.
    Another pretty dress.


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Eleven

So tonight I painted my nails in a vain attempt to stave off their deterioration. I promise I don’t think about them all the time - I just h...