Monday, January 28, 2019

2019 Project 365 – Week Four

This week I tried to be more intentional about taking pictures – and Dr. M remembered to take some as well.
Sunday, January 20th                                 
I “made” a scarf using some loopy yarn. It was one of those “finger crochet” dealios. I’m using all those quotation marks because there really was not very much to the process – took about five minutes.

Monday, January 21st                  
Last week Pixel Peeper asked where I ate my breakfast during the week. In my car! I make a breakfast sandwich (bagel thin, egg, Canadian bacon, Laughing Cow cheese) every morning before I leave for work. I usually arrive at work hitting the ground running so I don’t like to wait to eat there – and I am NOT getting up early enough to eat at home!

Tuesday, January 22nd                                              
I finished the third of the four blankets I’m making. Now I just need to find a home for it!

Dr. M saw a goldfinch on the feeder!

The moon! (For more pictures from the big Moon Event this week, see my previous post.)

Friday, January 25th                                               
I like to eat a little stoup with my cornbread – ha!

Dr. M found llamas! He needs to go back with the big camera.

Saturday, January 26th
I made one of my favorite sandwiches – turkey & mayo & peanut butter & jelly. I added an interesting extra ingredient – banana slices! It was pretty good, but I prefer to use bologna instead of turkey.

My sister-in-law invited me to attend Drag Me to the Red Carpet – a benefit event for OUTright Youth of Catawba Valley. It was my first drag show & it was a hoot! Pictured here are “Flip Wilson” doing “Geraldine,” “Pink,” and “Brittney Spears.” So much fun!

I finally took down the Christmas tree today. I debated leaving it up longer, but it was impeding Dr. M’s view of the front bird feeder. We still have other random decorations around. I apparently feel no sense of urgency here. Ha! I assume that those of you who decorated took everything down right away, right?


  1. Your breakfast sandwich sounds like my kind of sandwich! However, I can't eat in the car. I can't talk on the phone while driving, either. I always excuse it with the fact that I drive a stick shift, but to be honest, I'm just a klutz and an awful multi-tasker.

    Love the llamas! I agree, Dr. M. needs to go back with the big camera.

    *Says nothing about your sandwich*

    1. I once ate a Wendy's Frosty while driving a stick shift - through town with all the stopping & starting that entails. I don't really recommend it!

  2. Such a cute goldfinch.
    Lovely loopy colorful scarf!

  3. No, I didn't take all the Christmas stuff down right away. I always hang on nearly to Epiphany anyway, but this year the tree stayed even beyond that. Granted, it only had lights on it by that point, but I put it away every year with the lights on it anyway. It certainly makes the decorating process easier when Christmas rolls around again.

    Now you have me craving my favorite kid sandwich: fried bologna on white bread with mayo. It's amazing how good it is. Maybe I'll have that as my reward when I've gotten ten pounds off. I've dropped seven at this point, and I'm entirely too proud of myself. But I've done it in three weeks, so by the end of February I ought to be able to get eight more off -- and that would be FIFTEEN!!! I'm on a roll -- if I just can stay away from the rolls, and the pasta, and the ice cream, and .........

    1. I'm pretty darned proud of you too! One of my cousins used to make me fried bologna sandwiches - yum!

  4. Saturday: Is Elvis in the building?

    Also, I love the scarf. Not for me, you understand, but it looks great on you.

    1. I think you'd look great in the scarf too! Ha!

  5. I've been trying to find things I can eat on the go or at work. I used to get up & make breakfast at home, but enjoying the time doing other things instead of cooking - so I've been eating at my desk - but need some good take & go ideas.

    1. I'm getting a little tired of my breakfast sandwich. I need to come up with something new!

  6. we have lots of goldfinches here right now. first time I've seen so many and they have stayed around so long. and your sandwiches are...creative. and I solve the taking down decorations by not putting any up!

    1. Sometimes I think your decoration idea is the right one!

  7. You should have worn that loopy scarf to the drag show like a boa.
    Were those llamas or alpacas? I never know the difference (or even if there is one).
    We're headed into below zero temps today for a few days; I need to make a big pot of soup.

    1. Oh man I SHOULD have worn it! Didn't even think of it.

  8. I still have two wreaths on the floor in the office. Just can't seem to think of where I want them.
    Your breakfast sandwich sounds delish but I'll pass on the second one. I like all of that stuff but not all together. :/
    That afghan is fun!
    Can't wait for the goldfinches to get their bright colors again.

    1. As you can see from this week's post, we're still trying to decide where to put everything too :)

  9. Yep. That me up there not Jams.

  10. Ha! I had the same thought as Catalyst about your sandwich -- ELVIS! (Although then it would have been fried, right?)

    How is it possible that your loopy scarf only took five minutes to make? I'm not sure what "finger crocheting" is. I'll have to look that up. Not that I'm likely to actually DO it.

    Love the goldfinch and the llamas!

    1. Elvis would have love me - ha! I'll have to see if I can find the video of how to make the scarf & you'll see how simple it is.


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Seven

Dear America, you are whack in danger. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen. (I might switch this up next week, but so far it still seems...