Sunday, January 6, 2019

2019 Project 365 – Week One. The I’m a Creature of Habit Edition

I talked a big game about changing things up, but when it came down to it I remembered how confused I was in 2017 when I didn’t do this weekly post. I’m going to try to not post a picture every day for the heck of it – I’ll just post the days when something of interest happened. Of interest to me, anyway – you people are just along for the ride.
Sunday, December 30th                                
We drove home from the beach today, so here is an appropriately dreary picture. It was a nice drive home. I drove & made Dr. M listen to my audio book & I was in the zone – love trips like that.

Monday, December 31st                                           
Happy New Year! We went to my cousin’s annual party. However, I lost in the first round of the ping pong tournament (damn you Caroline!) so we were home again by 9:30. Well, actually we came home early because I had to go to work the next day. I’m still salty about the ping pong though.

Tuesday, January 1st                                              
This is the view that my phone had while I was trying to remember if I’d remembered to bring my phone.

Wednesday, January 2nd            
No picture

Thursday, January 3rd                
Oh my word I was in a frenzy – I looked down at my hand & only saw one of the three rings in this set. I had been to CVS, the bank, and the post office earlier, so after I didn’t see the rings in the office or parking lot or car, I retraced my steps & gave my business card to folks at each location. No dice. Then my coworker found one of the rings in the bathroom (that I had already searched), & another coworker convinced me to go through the trash again. I pulled out each individual paper towel & found the other ring. Woo hoo!

Friday, January 4th                                        
Caught a coworker in action while he got a picture of a furniture tableau.

Saturday, January 5th                                               
I’ve been elected to the church council at my new church (did I tell you?). Today we had a planning session/retreat. I’m now chairing the green committee. I’m not really sure how this keeps happening. Ha!

Since I haven’t answered questions on my last blog post, I’ll answer them here. Eye primer is supposed to make your eye shadow stay on longer & look more even. I don’t usually mess with it, but I had gotten this one as a bonus when I bought something else. I usually ignore expiration dates – if it doesn’t look or smell funky I’m game. The hydrocortisone didn’t pass the look test. Nance is RIGHT – SMH is Shake My Head. But I always thought it was Smack My Head & I like my version better. Ha!


  1. I always thought SMH was Smack My Head too! I think maybe that's an alternative definition. So glad you found your rings! Maybe they need to be resized or they need an insert to keep them from slipping off?

    1. Once I lose a little bit more weight I'm planning to shift them to my right hand (that ring finger is a bit bigger). Then I'll wear my original engagement & wedding rings plus these. Right now I switch out based on whether I'm wearing silver or gold jewelry that day.

  2. your rings came off when you washed your hands? so glad you found them.

    1. Apparently they did - yikes! And they're not REALLY that loose right now.

  3. I don't know how you're chairing the Green Committee either--when you're drinking from a plastic disposable bottle and eating from a paper disposable plate! YOU ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM.

    When I started dropping a lot of weight, I started wearing my wedding ring set on a chain around my neck...AFTER I heard a clink one day and realized my rings had merely fallen off and bounced onto the floor while I was walking in the hallway at school. You could also buy ring guards or use the old fashioned trick of wrapping yarn around the back to make them smaller. What luck to find your jewelry!

    1. I KNOW! So hilarious - and it's the first thing a very eco minded friend said to me. Ha! I think that they want to focus more on what we can do with our grounds (we have some garden boxes), and larger issues like LED lights, etc. But I will definitely also focus on reducing paper & plastic use.

      As I mentioned to Steve above, I have a plan about the rings - but these rings aren't really that loose. Very bizarre that they fell off (and just two of the three).

  4. That pic of you and Dr. M is great. I have a top that's similar to yours, but mine is orange. So happy you found your rings and enjoyed your ride home from the beach.

  5. Glad you're still here!
    Great NY pic!
    Scary ring story.

  6. So do you use your phone or your good camera for your Project 365? I really want to try it & week 1, I've already failed. I want to use my good camera but its just not easy to tote everywhere. SIGH.

  7. (0) (After that week, you need a hug.)

  8. Glad you found your rings again! I have a hard time understanding how they can just slide off without your noticing, but then I'm the one who doesn't wear any jewelry (a FitBit isn't jewelry, right?).

    And I'm so glad you're doing Project 365 again!


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Seven

Dear America, you are whack in danger. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen. (I might switch this up next week, but so far it still seems...