Sunday, April 7, 2019

2019 Project 365 – Week Fourteen

We had some very lovely days this week. Also rain and snow. So, spring, right?
Sunday, March 31st                                     
I was pleased with my ingenious solution to the problem of my Fitbit not working when I push a shopping cart (I guess because my hands are still – but then I don’t understand why crocheting & typing doesn’t give me steps). Anyway, the dress I was wearing didn’t have any pockets so I just clipped that sucker to my boots.

Our azaleas are blooming!

Monday, April 1st                 
Our dining room is turning into a jungle! If you look closely you can see that the volunteer impatiens is still blooming.

Meanwhile, I was being irate about this weather notice. It did actually snow on Tuesday around 10:00, but I was too busy to look out the window so I missed it. Also, this prompted me to finally remember to bring my coat home from the office. Yay!

Tuesday, April 2nd                                                
Flutterby on the phlox!

Wednesday, April 3rd                                                
Ms. Pinky & Ms. Rita were released from tub prison today! Look at how much they sprawled over the winter – they’re a mess. We’re going to let them acclimate for a bit & then they’ll get a trim.

Thursday, April 4th                                                    
Lincoln County traffic jam. Dr. M took this picture, but I also was part of a similar traffic jam on Thursday.

Friday, April 5th                                                  
Dr. M saw bunnies out back. We don’t see rabbits as often as we did in Xenia, so this was a treat.

Saturday, April 6th     
Dr. M & I sat out under our tree for a couple of hours today – it was GLORIOUS! I was also amused that my crochet project matched my water bottle.

After sitting in the sun, Dr. M enjoyed this beer. I love the label.

This past week was really busy – I drove to High Point to do some stuff in our market space, and spent the rest of the week helping with last minute preparations. I’m not gonna lie – so glad I’m not on the team that has to work at market. Those folks work long hard hours & at heart I am a sloth.


  1. Bunnies! I don't see many of those around my neighborhood anymore since the hawks have taken up residence.

    Your phlox is incredibly lush and gorgeous. Enjoy your Springtime!

  2. I don't get up early enough to see the bunnies that live around here but occasionally I see evidence of them having been in the yard via bunny poop. azaleas are so vibrant it's hard to get an in focus picture. the camera just seems to be dazzled.

  3. thats why I LOVED My Fitbit One because it hooked to your waist & there aws never an issue with hand movement... & then they stopped making it!!! BOOOO!!!!

  4. Now there's an idea for your FitBit! I wish I could put my watch around my ankles while on the stationary bike - I bet it would count "steps" then. But it won't fit (my ankles are bigger than my wrist).

    That beer looks interesting...a bit scary.

  5. Love the bunnies, but I love those phlox even more. I didn't just laugh at your traffic jam -- I snorted. It's about over now, but the back roads around here have been awash in really, REALLY big farm equipment. The days of the no-cab, one-seat, sixteen tine plow are over for sure.


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2025 Project 365 – Week Seven

Dear America, you are whack in danger. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen. (I might switch this up next week, but so far it still seems...