Saturday, September 21, 2019

2019 Project 365 – Week Thirty-eight

What to say, what to say??? I have typed & erased a number of sentences here, but frankly I’m just not feeling it. Just imagine that I said something witty, mkay?
Sunday, September 15th                                             
My brother & I took my dad out for dinner for an early birthday dinner. It was nice spending time with these guys! And that salad was GINORMOUS. I took about 2/3 of it home for Dr. M to eat.

Monday, September 16th             
We’ve been watching the Ken Burns country music documentary (very good!) which inspired Dr. M to pull out all of his dulcimers. I get to benefit from that because he’s been playing again!

Tuesday, September 17th                                                
No real picture today, but this is a screen shot of the hilarious book I read for book club (Dear Committee Members, by Julie Schumacher). It’s all the letters (mostly letters of recommendation) that a university professor writes for about a year. I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Also, this is my dad’s actual birthday. Happy birthday Daddy!

Wednesday, September 18th                                                         
From FB: I am shedding so much these days that if I covered my body in glue I could be Bigfoot’s stumpy sister in a matter of moments. At this point, I need an emotional support roomba to just follow me around. Sigh. P. S. Not to worry - I still have PLENTY of hair.

Thursday, September 19th                                                            
Dr. M took his dad for his second Mohs surgery today. He did well – he is now skin cancer free. This is Smoky, his dad’s favorite cat.

Friday, September 13th                                                           
Dr. M went to see his Pop & took another picture of Smoky. Such a pretty kitty!

Saturday, September 14th            
I helped out at my church’s tent at Catawba Valley Pride. It was encouraging to see so many churches there – and a lot of fun!

I came home from the festival & did some house cleaning, so I now I feel extra virtuous and shall feel free to enjoy the rest of my evening. I hereby give all of you permission to enjoy the rest of your evening (or day, if you’re reading it earlier in the day. I’m magnanimous that way.).


  1. Wowie-zowie! I got my email notification! Life is good. Belated happy birthday wishes, and lots of scritches and pets to Smoky, who is a beautiful cat. I've been watching the Country Music documentary, too -- as has most of the country, as far as I can tell. It really is good: that great combination of educational and entertaining that seems to be getting more rare.

  2. I read somewhere long ago that we shed 1,000 hairs a day or maybe it was 100 hairs a day. I don't remember. It's been a loooong time since I read that.

  3. Beautiful instruments. I'm sure they, along with Dr. M, make beautiful music.

  4. Gosh, I'm shedding a lot lately, too! Between me and the cats, it's pretty furry around here. And add in Rick's long silver strands--vacuuming is my Most Dreaded Chore.

  5. I feel extra virtuous - that made me chuckle

    Always love a Cancer-free update from anyone/everyone!

  6. We had a cat once that was just that color. I named him "Smoke". Coincidence? Or lack of imagination?

  7. Wow! What a collection of instruments. Need a YouTube video of the music!

    Lovely silky cat.

  8. I had a grey cat like that. Her name was Smokey. My older two boys came up with that name. Clearly my oldest son's imagination improved as he got older. He named his cat "Meatwad."

    Dr. M's instruments are beautiful! Looking forward to more Facebook videos!

  9. As I was out taking Harvest Moon pictures on the 13th and they were not coming out good, I wasn't sweating it because I knew Dr. M would have some spectacular ones to share. :) That's've provided plenty of moon shots!


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Seven

Dear America, you are whack in danger. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen. (I might switch this up next week, but so far it still seems...