Saturday, September 7, 2019

2019 Project 365 – Week Thirty-six

Isn’t it weird that weeks with a holiday can seem longer than regular weeks? I wonder why that is? For me, it’s probably because I just naturally sink into extra sloth when I have a day off and it’s hard to pull myself back up into work mode. (To be fair, I actually did a lot of housework on Monday, but I did it veerrryyyy slowly.)
Sunday, September 1st                                             
First time I did my new hair (why yes, I did not wash my hair from Tuesday until Sunday).

Monday, September 2nd              
Holiday lunch – watermelon (not sashimi, as someone on Facebook thought), Cheetos, and the latest Louise Penny book.


The house across the street is for rent, so I wandered over to check it out. Found this label in the driveway, which made me laugh.

Tuesday, September 3rd                                                 
Another week, another pair of Feryl Designs earrings. I’m starting to run out of room on the nifty jewelry board I created!

I took in a couple of paintings to add to the wall at work. I know the calendar doesn’t fit in, but it makes me smile & there’s not really anywhere else to put it.

Wednesday, September 4th                                                         
Dr. M had a doctor’s visit. As he said on Facebook: "Routine pretty good shape for the shape I’m in. More than I can say for the poor little farmer in yon dell."

Thursday, September 5th                                                            

Friday, September 6th                                                           
Comparison shot from when we first got this hanging basket and now. The petunia is long gone, but the coleus is pretty darned happy!

Saturday, September 7th           
The morning glories are still so pretty.

Went out looking for communion bread & found this. I think it should work just fine, right?

I’m watching the Braves play while I write this & I have to say that it has been VERY exciting lately. I have high hopes for their post season, although I’ll be sad when baseball is over. Baseball being over will mean that it’s well into fall & that means that we’re well on our way to winter. And just like that I’m all grumpy. How about you – are you looking forward to fall?


  1. I felt the same way when I worked in the real world - short weeks feel longer. Watermelon and Cheetos - the lunch of champions - yep, that sounds right. Pretty flowers at your house.

  2. ooo, fun new layout for your blog. and you eat the weirdest stuff. not that the individual components are weird, it's how you combine them but I believe I've mentioned that before.

  3. Fall? Yes! I'm really tired of dealing with the lawn. Even though the kids now cut the front and back yards dealing with the rest of the property like trimming is a pain. Looking forward to the leaves falling and being blown down the street.

  4. But the World Series is the end of October and with any luck the last game will be the day before Halloween. And then it's no time until Thanksgiving and before you blink, it will be Christmas. In January you have my permission to be grumpy, but not now.

  5. Love the new layout for your blog!

    I love fall. It's cozy and beautiful. And it holds off winter just a bit longer without the heat and humidity of summer. And it means apples--really good apples--and butternut squash.

    (Hey--pretty intrusive photographing those bugs in an Intimate Moment on that orange flower. Mind your own beeswax!)

  6. the new look on your blog!

    I could never get away without washing my hair for that long. Mine would look like someone had taken me - while I was sleeping - and used my head to mop the kitchen floor with it. Sadly, my kitchen floor would NOT look like that. You did a great job "doing" your hair - do you use a flat iron?

    I'm with you on the short weeks - by the time you fit five days' worth of work into four, you're just plum exhausted!

  7. Now, if my infusions were cannabis infused... I'm sure i'd feel so much better :)

  8. I think your work wall is very attractive. Maybe a small desk calendar? And, yes, the flowers are gorgeous but I believe the photographer caught the bug couple in flagrante delicto.


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Three

You know, once snow stops falling it’s kind of annoying. Just FYI. Sunday, January 12th        Out back. One of these birds is not like the ...