Saturday, September 14, 2019

2019 Project 365 – Week Thirty-seven

This is such a weird time of year in NC. It’s obviously fall-ish. The plants know it. The sun knows it. But summer is just being stubborn about letting go. So hot & dry. Ugh.
Sunday, September 8th                                             
I was feeling particularly attractive as I got ready for church this morning.

Monday, September 9th             
Finished! It was a fun project. However, the yarn is 90% merino which was perhaps not the best choice for a day in the 90s.

Dr. M bought me some apples. Pretty!

It was Monday Mexican night & the young’uns were showing Sue all about Instagram filters. Ha!

Tuesday, September 10th                                                
Dr. M got new flowers for his mother’s grave. And he saw sheep while he was out & about!

After checking three times while I was preparing the meal, I still had to pull the package back out of the trash to see how long to cook dinner. What. The. Heck.

Wednesday, September 11th                                                         
A somber anniversary made more tolerable through a visit from The Roy, who basically demanded that Dr. M pet him.

Thursday, September 12th                                                            
With my new hair, this is how you tell that I’m getting serious about work – I tuck it behind my ears.

Friday, September 13th                                                           
We were apparently too superstitious to take a picture today.

Saturday, September 14th            
Lunch! (I blame credit Nance.)

I spent some time weed-eating today & now my arms are noodles. I was going to do a little bit of house cleaning, but Dr. M has talked me out of it (it wasn’t hard to do). So if you plan to come see us you might want to give me about a two hour notice. Ha!


  1. The apple and peanut butter are definitely Nance. The Cheetos? Not so much, I'd bet.

  2. LOL! Caroline beat me to it. I broke up with Cheetos years ago!

    How nice to have a next-door Therapy Dog. Give Roy a pat for me.

  3. Beautiful scarf - beautiful work. I've not seen one similar to that before. And, the lunch of champions - apples w/peanut butter + cheetos.

  4. I was so excited when I saw that I could subscribe to your blog by email! I thought, "Oh, hooray. Now I really can keep up with things." I have you in my feed reader, but I rarely remember to go there, and follow almost everyone by email.

    So, I tried to subscribe, but got a polite little note that you don't have email subscriptions enabled. Is there a switch somewhere you could throw? I'd love it....

    And I love your new theme. Is the subliminal message that you're busy as a bee? I'm glad to see Dr. M is recovering/recovered, and that you weren't affected muchly by the last storm. At least, I assume you weren't . I thought about you, but circumstances here had me out of sorts and off my routine -- it looks like whatever happened, it worked out ok.

    Now -- off to do a little more archive exploring!

  5. I kind of like the attitude of if you are coming to see the house, make an appointment. if you are coming to see me, come any time.

  6. Yeah, it's Autumn but my kids and I had another round of heavy yard work today.

  7. My weather forecast has a "9" in front of it EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. for the next 10 days.

    Enough already!

  8. Ahhh - that fur baby!!!!
    Cheetos with applies... looks like a balanced diet to me!

  9. Love the picture of The Roy! If I had to count how many times I had to pull packaging out of the trash to remember how long to cook something...well, I just couldn't.

  10. Yeah, I'm with Steve (and you) about pulling the instructions out of the trash. Yeesh!

  11. Have I really missed a whole month?!
    However, by going back that far, I watched the progress and completion of the gorgeous turqouise/bluish green shawlette.
    You are so cute and photogenic, even in most messy moments, ha!
    Love all the flowers!
    Hope Dr. M. is doing well, getting stronger and more mobile.


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Seven

Dear America, you are whack in danger. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen. (I might switch this up next week, but so far it still seems...