Sunday, April 12, 2020

2020 Project 365 – Week Fifteen

I would like to blame the excess of pictures these last couple of weeks on the ‘rona, but we know that it’s always like this in spring. So just hunker down – you might be here a minute. And I didn’t even post the photos that Dr. M took of the Dr. Van Fleet rose blooming at his dad’s house! You can go here to look at what it looked like last year if you haven’t had enough pictures.
Sunday, April 5th                                                          
It was a lovely day. I did Zoom church in the morning and then sat outside and read and crocheted. It was  nice! Dr. M took this picture. Is it just me, or does it look like Jesus in the temple overturning the money changer's tables? No? I was hoping that someone was coming to our aid to address the inequities that this virus is bringing into stark relief. Although I know that most of my readers were very familiar with those inequities before all of this. 

Monday, April 6th                         
I asked the internet whether my coworkers would notice if I just left my slippers on. The results were inconclusive – but I changed to real shoes just in case.


Tuesday, April 7th                                                            
The moon!

Wednesday, April 8th                                                      
We’re trying to minimize the total number of people in the office at one time, so some of us are working from home a day or two a week. This past week I worked from home one day. It was nice to slip into a familiar routine. And skip wearing make up for one day. And, let’s be honest, skip wearing a bra. Ha! I didn’t take a picture of my very exciting work, so instead you get Roy!

Thursday, April 9th      
Once a week the City Manager’s Office at work has been feeding us breakfast from local restaurants. Today I had one of my favorites – livermush & egg sandwich. So good!

Dr. M had a nice afternoon of deck sitting. My little seedlings are sprouting!

Seen around the house.

Friday, April 10th                                                                    
I had the day off from work (yippee!). I got a little carried away with my seasonings on my brunch (fried egg, cheese, sweet potato). I used black pepper, cayenne pepper, and ancho chili. It was good!

Getting ready to wash my face & very nearly reached for the scissors. I had to post this picture on the web and ask folks to talk me down. Again, results were inconclusive, but so far I’m leaving the bangs alone.

Saturday, April 11th                  
Lunch! It wasn’t pretty, but it was delicious. That’s kale mixed in with the black beans. I was trying to be healthy.

Dr. M says: Wren, wren, pretty little wren, fly right up and jump right in! Carolina wren bathing in our bee watering dish.

I’ve finished two squares to be added to the blanket pictured on December 20th in this post. I’m adding two rows down the sides (12 squares) so it will fit a bigger bed. I love making these squares. Too bad I’ve pretty much run out of people to give blankets to. Ha!

Date night! Salmon, asparagus, potatoes, & carrots, and a hockey game that first aired in December.

Finally, Dr. M & I participated in that thing where people were posting their high school pictures in solidarity with the class of 2020 (I’m sure that none of my friends includes anyone in that category – ha!). Dr. M couldn’t quickly find his high school picture, so here he is with his Doctoral hood shortly before his hooding ceremony. What strikes me about my picture is I remember thinking I was fat. Oh young lady, it’s too bad you didn’t know how cute you were at the time!

Today is Easter Sunday. I’ve been a little frustrated by all the extra content that the people I follow on social media have been compelled to provide. I don’t have time to listen to an hour long daily Instagram Live – or even 15 minutes if more than two of them are doing one. And these are people who I feel are saying important things – things I’d like to hear. So today I gave myself permission to wallow in all the things people offered up for consideration today. Nadia Bolz Weber, Sarah Bessey, Kate Bowler, our transition pastor at our church…. It was really nice to just sink into all of these fine words. I feel a little more ready to face the week ahead. How did you spend your day?


  1. There are a lot of people who are filling time with posts, it seems. People I follow who usually post once or twice a week are posting daily now, and there's just no way. I dn't want them to be offended that I'm not commenting on every one, but if I did, I'd never have time to do anything else -- including posting my own stuff! Can't have that!

    But there does seem to be some new routines developing, and a couple of new projects are on the to-do list. One is finding yeast. Of all the things I never imagined would disappear from store shelves, yeast might top the list. I guess people thought bread was going to disappear -- either that, or yeast has become a new rumored cure-all for the dreaded you-know-what.

    Your wrens are darling. I have a pair, but now I think they might have babies. I've not seen them, exactly, but there's a lot more flying to the feeder, and a lot more wren-like twittering going on. That would be exciting!

  2. So many things I love in this post: sweet potatoes! Carolina wrens! white on white lacy crochet! runny egg fry-ups! smiley dogs!

    Like you, I always considered myself "fat" in high school. I look back at those photos now, and I was anything but. I had a nice figure and lovely long, thick, almost black hair. A lifetime of being Hard On Myself!

    I doubt you'll ever run out of people to give blankets to. I'm happy to take a white one off your hands, and there are always going to be raffles, donations, and new friends and church members.

  3. Why is that women ALWAYS think they are too fat?

  4. You've had another interesting week filled with beautiful flowers, little birds, good food, and cute people! Nice.

  5. Looks as if you managed to have a good week in spite of all the virus mess. Love the crochet.


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2025 Project 365 – Week Seven

Dear America, you are whack in danger. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen. (I might switch this up next week, but so far it still seems...