Saturday, April 25, 2020

2020 Project 365 – Week Seventeen

Things continue to be weird. This week had a little added grief to it. But you’ll be glad to know that my bangs are still intact (note: it was a close call on Thursday).
Sunday, April 19th                                                          
I planted both of these boxes at the same time. The one on the right was a packet of seeds. The one on the left was one of those bookmarks with seeds embedded that you are supposed to be able to plant. I was convinced that it was a dud, but (and you’ll have to just take my word for it) now there are tiny little sprouts in there! It’s sort of like watching fraternal twins grow up. Ha!

Monday, April 20th                         
It was highly appropriate that Dr. M ate Funyuns on 420 day J

Eggplant & chunky pasta sauce on spaghetti noodles. Yum!

Tuesday, April 21st                                                             
Dr. M ventured out to get some groceries, and then he came home & gave Roy some scritches.

We found out today that the university where he taught is closing its doors. Very sad. Here he is with one of his students on graduation day a few years ago.

Wednesday, April 22nd                                                       
Another completed square. This one was a lot of fun!

Thursday, April 23rd    
Nothing to see here - just a Bug being a drama queen about her bangs.

Seen at City Hall. Made me smile.

Friday, April 24th                                                                    
I made some peace with my bangs (wearing my bigger glasses helped keep them out of my eyes. Sort of).

Someone at work had a birthday & I loved this very clever cake. It was tasty too!

Saturday, April 25th                  
The bromeliad that we brought home from Daddy & Sue’s marriage reception in 2017 is finally blooming again! Is that what you call it? It sort of looks like a flower… It really needs a bigger pot, but we don’t have space for anything larger.

Our Governor has said that we will (possibly) start to “reopen” the state on May 8th. Large gatherings will still be restricted – it’s sort of a soft reboot. I like that he’s being cautious, but I’m nervous too. Apparently, as a nation, we have no sense, so who knows what insanity will ensue once we’re allowed to move about again. I’m crossing my fingers. How are you feeling about things where you are?


  1. Love that bromeliad. I think that might be its flower, but I'm pretty ignorant when it comes to those plants. In any case, it's lovely. And the cake is cute as can be. I've got a post up about bangs (sort of) right now. I'll be this will make you laugh, or at least bring a smile. Maybe you should try pinking shears!

  2. that is a nice bromeliad. I have several different kinds. I love those white squares. and finally, a picture of food that I would eat!

  3. Lovely plant!

    I am thisclose to chopping at my bangs myself. To make matters worse, I have a widow's peak, and it causes my bangs to poke out oddly, making them a challenge to cut AND leave alone.

    Trying times!

  4. I think bromeliads actually prefer smaller pots, so it's probably fine. (They usually grow in the crooks of tree branches, if I'm not mistaken. They don't need a lot of soil.)

    I can't believe the university is closing! Holy cow! I like your newest completed square and please let us know what those bookmark seedlings look like when they're finally visible. :)

  5. mmmm... eggplant- I havent had that in awhile. that looks delicious

  6. You want to know something, I don't see Funyuns in my area. We were talking about old snack favorites at work a few weeks back and someone mentioned Funyuns.

    Started looking for them and it appears they are not sold in my area.

  7. Is Dr. M's former university closing for good? Or just for he pandemic? Speaking of which, I think I would have been a bit chary about eating any of that Covid Cake. And the flower on that plant is beautiful.

  8. I made a big mistake with my bromeliad in setting it in the shade by my door. Sadly the weather was too hot and some leaves got crispy. Now, of course, I have it inside. I hope it recovers.

    I have cut my hair twice so far. My roots are white stripes at the roots.


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Seven

Dear America, you are whack in danger. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen. (I might switch this up next week, but so far it still seems...