Sunday, May 3, 2020

2020 Project 365 – Week Eighteen

Lots of pictures this week! Just like every week! And we’re in the Merry Month of May, so that’s exciting too! Other than flipping the calendar page, however, our lives remain essentially the same.
Sunday, April 26th                                                          
There’s nothing like a peony to teach the lesson of patience. It seems like it takes so long after you first see the bud before you get an actual flower.

Dr. M made another fabulous dinner – this time it was cod and asparagus.

Finished another square.

Monday, April 27th                         
From Facebook: This obsession with my hair is getting out of control. Last night I dreamed that our PET HIPPOPOTAMUS started munching on my hair. Gave me quite a trim!

Also from Facebook: I was worried about how to deliver Sue’s birthday gift in a socially distant way, but she & my dad aren’t home, so that was easy. So now I’m sitting under a tree in their yard, and this was a nice way to spend my lunch hour! Edited to add: Joke's on me - they were inside the whole time. Ha!

Tuesday, April 28th                                                              
Sometimes there’s nothing for it but to go to bed with your ancient stuffed dog.

Wednesday, April 29th                                                        
Seen around the yard.

Thursday, April 30th      
Your weekly Roy.

Made a couple of facial scrubbies during my lunch hour.

Friday, May 1st                                                                     
This was a big day for my brother’s family. First of all my younger nephew was promoted to Staff Sergeant. Next, it was my older nephew’s birthday. And then I found out that my niece is graduating high school (frankly, this is not acceptable – she is, at most, 14 years old). Congratulations to everyone!

In the meantime, here are two old fogeys enjoying our Friday night.

Saturday, May 2nd                  
A little light reading, a little snack, a little blue sky, a little visitor, and a little Roy. Note: none of these things is little).

Dr. M hanging with Pop.

Another exciting Saturday night at the Bug house – watching game 6 of the 1995 World Series. Spoiler alert: Braves win! Braves win! Braves win! Braves win!

I’m getting ready to head into another work week – thank goodness! It might be the only thing keeping me sane (don’t ask my coworkers though). What is helping you these crazy days?


  1. Oh! You have a Rent-a-Cat too!

  2. Other People's Pets: the best kind to have! All the fun, and none of the expense or hair caked all over your furniture and clothing. You're living the dream.

    Now that it's Lake Season, zipping down there for weekends is keeping me sane. It almost feels like a vacation from The Outside World. We wave at people, wave at people on their boats, and sit on the dock or deck and watch the world go slowly by, wineglasses in our hands. It helps...a LOT.

  3. I love the kitty! Yes, Roy's delightful, but... a kitty! And nothing against the fine, American game of baseball, but I can't imagine watching a re-run of a game. The real thing is hard enough to get through!

  4. Your week looked to be full and interesting. I love the face scrubbies - cotton yarn? It is amazing how children insist they are old enough to graduate from different schools. My middle granddaughter is looking at graduating from college in December. I don't understand!

  5. those new white squares are so fancy!

  6. What is helping you these crazy days?

    Netflix, Amazon Prime, Hulu, Disney+, and HBO

    When this is all over I'm going to the beach cause I really need to get out of the house.

  7. Catching up after three weeks:
    Love all your blooms, the bromeliad is stunning.
    Your squares must be challenging. The finished product will be splendiforous!
    Bangs or no bangs--cute anyway!
    Sad about the university closing :-(
    Covid birthday cake very clever.
    Thanks for your faithful comments!!!

  8. Your peonies are way ahead of ours. We don't even have buds!

    That's a great story about sitting under the tree in your dad's yard, and they were inside the house the whole time! So funny.


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Three

You know, once snow stops falling it’s kind of annoying. Just FYI. Sunday, January 12th        Out back. One of these birds is not like the ...